8 Benefits of Making eBooks for your Business 8 Benefits of Creating eBooks for Your Business

Jun 9, 2023

Inbound marketing focuses on providing valuable content to target audiences. This helps them make better buying decisions, and positions your brand as the preferred service provider.

Content marketing teams employ different types of content to engage and attract potential customers. These include blog posts and videos, as well as podcasts and eBooks.

Let's look at eBooks.

electronic books (eBooks) provide an in-depth analysis of a particular topic and aren't appropriate to blogging format. Nobody is going to be reading the 10,000 words of a blog article. However, the same information when it's available in a format that's downloadable is less than overwhelming.

content type statistics


As per this graphic from the Content Marketing Institute, 51% of B2B marketers use eBooks to offer industry insights and report on revenue or highlight company values.

If you don't have eBooks as a component of your content marketing plan then you're not getting an effective way to boost sales and boost the retention of customers. eBooks can help you achieve your business goals in a variety of ways, including giving your knowledge of the industry, growing your email list, or angling for the highest ranking on the search results page.

In this post, you'll learn eight eBook advantages for businesses. Let's get started!

1. Cost-Effective Marketing Tool

The eBook benefits to businesses in the realm of marketing cannot be denied. eBooks are an excellent solution if you're looking for ways to engage with your customers with a minimal budget.

Marketing that is inbound costs less as compared with traditional marketing channels like billboards, newspapers, and radio or television advertisements.

average cost per lead


This graph indicates that the mean cost per lead is 60 percentage lower for inbound marketing ($134 per lead) as compared to the outbound market ($332 per lead). It's a level playing field for smaller businesses who are unable to be competitive with big companies with traditional marketing strategies.

Even if the eBook you publish isn't cost-free, it'll assist in bringing leads into the sales funnel and eventually producing sales. The best part is inventory is unlimited, and you can edit or update the content with no additional cost.

2. Offers valuable information to customers

They can also offer useful information to your clients. They let you share actual examples, case studies, useful insights, and instruments. It's simple to persuade potential customers to purchase your product by demonstrating that you understand their pain points and the way your product will fix them.

Two questions to ask yourself What are the main points of your eBook, and how will you make it available to others?

TXT is a basic format. It doesn't have images or graphs. AZW (for Kindle readers) along with EPUB and PDF both support dynamic layouts as well as images.

If you're distributing your eBook via the Amazon Kindle store, you have to make use of this format. AZW format. Note that other online retailers like Apple and Nook aren't compatible with this format which means that your distribution options are limited. Apple and Nook have EPUB support, and it is also suitable if you're distributing your eBook from your website.

Another aspect to think about when choosing one eBook format is the digital rights management (DRM). This includes a variety of devices and techniques to restrict the unauthorised use of digital work. AZW, EPUB, and PDF provide different levels of protection for copyright. EPUB restricts who can download and read documents. AZW restricts access to digital works to Kindle users and applications. While users can easily download and distribute PDF files, you can create an encryption password in order to secure the content.

eBooks are immediately available to all customers, no matter where they reside in the world.

Be aware that if you are selling eBooks, they may be tax-exempt. If you're located in the US, filling out SS4 forms allows you to quickly secure an Employer Identification Number (EIN) for tax reporting and filing purposes.

3. Establishes Authority

Brand authority refers to the extent that customers view companies as credible authorities or sources of information within their fields. When the Centers for Disease and Control Prevention (CDC) issues recommendations for health care, usually they are taken seriously since the organization has expert in the field of health. This same principle applies to businesses.

One of the best ways to frame your company as an expert in the field is by writing an eBook. There's only so much expertise that you can show in your infographic or on a social media post. eBooks allow you to dive in-depth into topics customers want to know more about. They are your opportunity to show the actual benefits of your product, or offer your expert opinion about the latest conversations within your industry.

The upshot of establishing credibility is that people believe in your company's name and brand.


The Edelman Trust Barometer report shows that 81% of consumers across markets, ages, gender, and earnings, see the importance of trust when making purchase choices.

When potential customers look over the quantity of quality information you provide and begin to trust on the brand's reputation for facts. Salesforce research indicates that they're even willing to spend more.

The process of building authority can take the time. However, if you consistently produce creative and educational content with easy-to-read formats and captivating eBook design You will gain the trust and respect of your clients.

4. Increases Brand Awareness

The use of ebooks is a fantastic way to increase brand awareness. Take a look. On your eBook, you usually incorporate your company's name and your logo.

Take a look at the sample below. The logos and names of the companies behind this eBook on the cover in the top right corner:


Therefore, even if they don't know about those brands just yet but they'll recognize them after they see that eBook's home page.

eBooks are an excellent way to increase brand awareness of other aspects, as well. Every business has a purpose and vision declaration. It is important to tell people the why and how the statements are made?

We can say that sustainability is an essential part of your unique value proposition. It is possible to create an ebook around your production practices and impacts on the environment and communities. If innovation is your primary quality of your brand, you should highlight the individuals who develop the products you sell and then document the creative process they employ.

Are you unsure of what your brand's value propositions are yet? It is possible to use an AI content generator like chatGPT or Ask Writer to provide you with ideas of what your distinctive value propositions could be. All you have to do is create a new prompt and the software will present an overview of the options.

Brands with a strong brand image boast high sales. A compelling story in your voice as a brand will make you stand out from the competition. It will help build the trust of customers who are a part of your values.

Another method of increasing brand awareness is through backlinks. If you write quality content, online journals or blogs from industry will refer to it or even share the content. In addition, this exposes your brand's name to new viewers and increase your brand authority.

5. Produces Leads of High Quality

One of the best eBook benefits for business is lead generation. HubSpot study suggests that 27.7 percent of marketers utilize eBooks as lead magnets.

But that's not all. Check out the conversion stats below.


Research eBooks produce leads, with an average conversion rate at 46%. That's much higher than videos and content on social media.

Marketing teams can use eBooks to discover and nurture potential customers with high-buyer intent. In particular, content that is long like eBooks is more challenging to digest than video. Nobody downloads a 20-page book about topics like how to create an effective automated email marketing for fun. So, this type of information differentiates between qualifier leads and non-qualified leads.

The content you publish should reflect the interests of your customers and their issues and present your product as the solution to get those conversions. One way to find pertinent topics is to look at popular keywords in your niche business. You can also ask your current customers about what they'd like to learn more about.

It is also important to use email to gatekeep your eBooks. In the absence of this, you will not be able to keep your prospects in mind by letting them through your sales funnel (more about this later).

6. Allows for Data Collection

We have previously discussed how eBooks aid businesses in generating high-quality leads. The key mechanism to aid in this involves the lead-capture form. The forms permit site users to give personal details such as name, email address, or even a phone number.

Today, consumers are cautious regarding the data they give out. The majority of people aren't willing to share the information they've collected unless they receive something back in exchange. The eBook you've created is a way to get that.


The example above shows prospects enter their email address, name, and business concern in order to open the eBook. The company is now able to reach out to the customer and get a better idea of how they can build relations with the leads.

It is possible to collect various kinds of data using forms for lead capture - industry, job title, company name, location and revenue. However, be strategic about which information you want to collect and the way you approach the question. It is possible to turn off customers rapidly if your forms are long and require too much data. A lot of businesses limit the fields on forms to names and email addresses to reduce the hassle.

If you require more information to comprehend the needs of your prospects more effectively, think about breaking down the lead form down into several stages.

Check out the example below.


It's less intimidating when compared to a form with seven fields. The form also boasts an 86% higher percentage of conversion because people tend to be more likely to fill out the lead capture after they've committed to the first action.

7. Increases SEO

The process of optimizing search engines (SEO) can be described as a nifty marketing strategy to boost brand visibility and awareness. What better way is there to help people find your product than to be found in the top ranks of the results of a search engine (SERP)?

SEO generates organic traffic for your sites. The first page results get 92% of all search traffic. Thus, the higher your rank, the more traffic you will receive. Additionally, it provides higher conversion rates with lesser effort than other strategies for inbound marketing. The graph below highlights this idea.


Content is the backbone of any solid SEO strategy. Offering electronic books that cover issues of the customer and current topics is a guaranteed strategy to attract clicks.

Alongside creating appealing content, you must incorporate relevant keywords in your titles for eBooks as well as in your previews so that the correct audience finds you. In the case of instance, when customers with high employee turnover issues make use of search phrases such as 'how can I improve employee engagement' or 'ways to decrease turnover,' use these keywords in your engagement e-book.

8. Creates Opportunities for Collaboration

eBooks allow you to work with brands from other industries and develop and sustain business relationships. Picture this scenario you want to create a complete eBook on events marketing. You offer copywriting services, which means you are able to offer valuable guidelines for writing your text. Good marketing involves using images also. So, what's your best alternative? To collaborate with a graphics design company for the eBook.

This type of collaboration will help you in many other ways.

As an example, you could reach a wider audience (the of the audience for another brand).

Additionally, building authority and improving SEO is a long and difficult for brand new companies. EBook collaborations allow you to make use of the credibility and authority of well-known brands as well as top-ranked websites.

Here's an example of an eBook co-marketing program.


Allbound as well as Magnetude Consulting collaborated to create an ebook on marketing strategies. Allbound offered its knowledge on managing relationships with partners, and Magnetude offered insights into B2B growth strategies and marketing.

The company you select to collaborate with doesn't need to be in the same industry. But, the company you choose must be in line with your objectives and have a similar customer base. For example, if your intended market are businesses who are in expansion it is not a good idea to partner with companies that are geared towards startups.


There are numerous eBook advantages for companies. eBooks are a great means for companies to share valuable information with target audiences. If you're trying to make your strategy for marketing content robust, eBooks add informational depth which blogs, social media posts as well as videos cannot.

Learned eight distinct eBook benefits for business. They aid in establishing a brand as an industry authority, and increase brand recognition as well as SEO. For startup businesses, partnering with other brands to create eBooks help boost their credibility and online presence.

Ebooks also enable organizations to collect data and generate qualified leads. People who are highly interested in purchasing products will be willing to divulge private information with others and read lengthy content. However, this doesn't mean that your material should be boring. Include high-quality images and graphics. Choose formats that are easy-to-read and offer copyright protection for your digital media.

While eBooks' production may take a long time, the advantages, including cost-effective acquisition, can make them an investment.

Monetizing Your Ebooks