7 Methods to Personalize Automated emails, based upon subscriber behavior

Mar 27, 2024

In an era of personalization, an old-fashioned method for marketing using email doesn't work in the present. Businesses that provide e-commerce services or market their products via email generally have lots of data about their customers, however they are unable to utilize data to their full possibilities. There is a growing number of businesses using emails for marketing. It's essential that you as an email marketer, use new techniques to ensure that your clients are engaged.

The days of adding"the "first name" of the subscribers to an email was believed to be one of the best ways to increase conversion rates. Insuring that subscribers receive regular and relevant messages that are appropriate to their preferences is essential to make sure that they're engaged in your business.

Automation and personalization, when used together, are an advantage to. Its study indicates that according to Experian the brands that tailor their promotional emails are able to enjoy an increase of 27% certain rate of clicks and 1% higher open rates when compared with those which do not include personalization. In addition, the report states that emails with triggers generate an increase of 624% in terms of conversion for the same amount of email messages, in contrast the "batch blast" blasts via email.

If you're looking to develop a custom-designed campaign for e-commerce email campaigns, you need to follow these simple yet effective strategies to run your emails effectively.

     Ask the right questions    

In order to send out automated email You must gather data from your customers. An effective way to do this is by asking your customers to choose specific preferences that can assist in separating the data. If your clients decide to subscribe to your newsletters it is possible to request them to provide reasons for selecting your emails. Their answers can reveal details that will guide you in the sending of more pertinent and relevant emails.

Here's an example an email from Marisa Murgatroyd who is the creator of Live Your The Message. In this message the recipient will be asked to answer brief questionnaire. This lets her separate the messages by preference, and to deliver the only messages that are most pertinent to them.

Automated Email Segmentation Example

Create Customer Personas

If you've received responses from your customers, create individual customer profiles with the information that you've gathered. If you know your clients as well as your email subscribers, you can develop superior services that can be tailored to the needs of your customers. The result is more personalized and convenient experiences.

     Think Location and Time    

Check your email according to your location and the date to figure out which one is most effective for you. There are certain times during the day that can deliver messages more effectively . Customers may be spread all around the globe across various time zones, so it's vital to be able to satisfy the demands of every person. Certain clients are more open to messages delivered at specific time of day. Make sure you conduct A/B tests of your emails to find the most efficient time for your customers to be engaged with your email messages and adjust your email sending timetable accordingly.

     7 types of automatic emails triggered by subscriber behavior    

Once you've collected enough data in order to segment your subscribers into segments It's now time to create automatized trigger emails for specific segments and on specific behaviour.

There's seven types of emails using triggers that you can deliver to your customers

     1. Welcome E-mails

The welcome emails will trigger for you to be connected to the new subscriber. It is the initial message that you email to confirm your subscription. It can help you filter the subscribers' list by asking subscribers to share their preferred preferences. It is best to send out a series of greeting messages starting with the initial one is a welcoming note that introduces the products and services you provide. These follow by a second one asking for the subscriber their preferred preferences, and then the follow-up emails will contain discounts or promotions which they are able to avail for any purchases they make in the future.

Check out this sample Welcome Email sent by Hootsuite.. The email invites users to sign-up using their online service. The email that follows is the first of a sequence of messages that are triggered. The message will be sent out as soon as the client chooses to sign-up.


     2. Absent Cart Emails

Mails regarding abandoned carts send to customers who've added products to their carts but didn't get to the check out. They place emphasis on those items not purchased, and offer discounts coupons, or even free delivery in order to proceed through checkout can be a great option to motivate them to complete the purchase.

Have a look at this mail from this company Asics. They've highlighted one of their abandoning products and put it up on the main banner. The banner shows the remainder of the items that are in the cart, which will be displayed below. The site also displays products to encourage cross-selling, increasing the chance of customers returning to the shop to buy.


3. Retour to Stock Emails

E-mails that include back-in-stock are emails that are sent to those who would like to purchase a specific product that is not currently available and who prefer to be notified whenever the product is available for sale. Notifying customers of the availability of the item is an excellent method of getting the client returned to your website and complete making the purchase.

The email sent by Kauffmann The Mercantile is an outstanding example. This email is an effective tool that can help your customers feel loved.


4. Price Drop Notifications

The emails about price drops go to customers who have quit your website or abandoned their carts due to the cost of some products for which there is no discount. When the previously browsed products have been discounted in price, it's a good option to let customers know about discounts. This is a fantastic opportunity to attract potential customers who are considering purchasing through your.

Check out the example from on the Target site informing customers about the discounted new price of items in their shopping cart. They also list additional products recommended. The message could convince customers to purchase the item.


5. Confirmation of Order

After the client has completed the checkout process and placed an order, instantly contact them with an order confirmation email to them, acknowledging your order, and also thanking them for the purchase. It will allow them to recheck the purchase and adjust if they need. Include a receipt for payments, along with a summary of the purchase in order to ensure that your transaction is visible to the public area. Additionally, offer them an opportunity to monitor the order, and provide feedback. Also, think about cross-selling or even presenting products similar to each other.

This image shows the confirmation email for orders that was sent out through Amazon. The purchase of interest is an ebook. Pay attention to the way Amazon provides similar ebooks at the conclusion of your email.

7 Ways to Personalize Automated Emails Based on Subscriber Behavior

     6. The Order Follow-Up E-mails

After a buyer has placed an order on your website It is your responsibility to send follow-up emails to the customer. Send follow-up emails that contain product-related suggestions and products suggestions. The emails also contain information about your order's tracking, an overview of your order as well as payment information.

Check out the email sent by Etsy that informs the purchaser of the progress in shipment of their order.


7. Re-engagement Emails

Re-engagement messages are sent out to renew your relationship with customers and subscribers who haven't opened your emails or haven't purchased from you for a specific duration of time. Re-engagement messages that work inspire people to visit your website. Make a series of emails to entice customers who do not want to purchase and encourage them to buy from your site. You can also incorporate discounts or offers to encourage visitors to return to your website to complete an order.

Here's an example of a Re-engagement email by Pinkberry which offers customers free yogurt, if they go to any Pinkberry store within seven days from:

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     Automated emails are more efficient in the event that they're personalized    

Hyper-personalization is what will keep your email subscribers interested in your business. If you are planning the next stage of your email campaigns ensure that you don't just add their names in the email messages. The ability to personalize your emails according to the preferences of your customers and their preferences is essential to make sure that your automated email messages that you send out are effective.

Kevin George is the Head of Marketing for EmailMonks One of the fastest growing business in the world of programming and design for emails which specializes in the creation of gorgeous email templates, transformation of PSD documents to HTML email conversions and free HTML email templates. Kevin loves sharing his experiences as well as thoughts about email marketing as well as advice on how to use the most effective techniques on his blog about email marketing.

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