6 Things You Need to know before choosing the WordPress LMS plugin (Besides pricing and features) - WordPress Membership Plugin - Membership Websites

Sep 12, 2024

6 Things You Need to Know Before Choosing a WordPress LMS Plugin (Besides pricing and features)

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The process of selecting a WordPress LMS software that looks perfect on paper, only for you to realize that it's difficult to use or doesn't play nicely with other tools, can be frustrating.

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  • 1. Compatibility and Integration
  • 2. User Experience (UX) is Key
  • 3. Scalability
  • 4. Good Support and Thorough Documentation
  • 5. LMS Plugin Customization Options
  • 6. Regular Updates and Future Proofing
  •            Conclusion

Features and price are the tip of the iceberg.

For a wise choice, you need to look beyond the obvious to look at factors such as compatibility user experience, and scalability.

This article will highlight the many aspects that are often ignored, helping you choose a solution that supports your needs and ensures an easy, smooth deployment.

1. Compatibility and Integration

When choosing an WordPress LMS plugin the compatibility with existing system is essential.

A plugin that seamlessly integrates with your current tools can help you save time, cut down on stress, and provide an easier work flow. This is where Member shines.

Member comes with more than 80 integrations and covers a vast array of different platforms and tools.

Features to look out for when Choosing a WordPress LMS Plugin

You can also easily connect it to the current system, and increase your LMS capabilities without the hassle of technical difficulties.

Additionally, the Member team is able to assist with these integrations, providing you with peace of mind and reliable support.

Additionally, Member is connected to Zapier and Uncanny Automator and opens up the access to thousands more apps and most popular platforms.

This flexibility makes it one of the most flexible LMS choices available. This means that your LMS will grow and change in line with your requirements.

2. UX (UX) is a key element

You want to choose an LMS Plugin that will create a site that is powerful as well as intuitive and easy to work with.

Here's how Member excels by providing top-quality UX:

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  1. Mobile-friendly and responsive The Member will ensure that all your content is fully adaptable, making it usable and usable on all devices including smartphones, desktops and tablets.

By focusing on these UX-enhancing features, Member ensures users with a pleasant, engaging experience for both administrators and users.

3. Scalability

When your education platform or corporate education program grows, scalability becomes an important factor.

You need an LMS capable of growing with the growing number of users as well as offer a wide range of courses without compromising performance.

Scalability guarantees that your LMS will be able to handle greater numbers of users, more content and functionalities as your needs evolve.

Members are designed with scalability in consideration.

One of its most distinctive highlights is its ability to create unlimited courses using the courses add-on.

You can continue to expand your course library without having to worry about reaching the limits.

Whether you're adding new courses for your employees or expanding your online education platform Members can expand along with you.

In addition to Unlimited courses, the robust architecture supports a large number of users, ensuring seamless performance, even as your user base expands.

It is a great choice for small to medium-sized training institutions as well as corporate trainers who anticipate growth.

With Member, you are able to be confidently expand your LMS to meet the requirements of the growing population.

4. Great Support and Thorough Documentation

Good documentation is the backbone of any solid LMS plugin. A clear and comprehensive documentation enables users to set up and control their LMS without assistance, thus removing the necessity to contact support.

The self-sufficiency of the platform saves time and boosts confidence in making use of the system. A properly-documented LMS will provide detailed instructions, how-to articles, and troubleshooting suggestions that are geared towards novice and experienced users.

However, there will be occasions when you require assistance or face an issue that requires expert guidance.

In these instances, having access to a knowledgeable customer support staff is invaluable. A responsive and knowledgeable support team can provide timely solutions and ensure your LMS is running smoothly and effectively.

Member shines in both in both of these areas. The documentation for support is extensive which covers a broad range of subjects from basic setting up to more advanced configurations.

When it comes to customer support, Member goes above and beyond. Their support team is known as responsive as well as helpful and knowledgeable.

        This is what some of our customers have to say:        

        "I want to thank you. I was attempting to build the site for members using Member myself and found that it was far too difficult for me However, thanks to the list you provided of Member Certified web designers, my site is live and running"

        "Customer support has been extremely efficient and quick to respond, and they update frequently, often including customers' concerns/questions into the next update. Overall, excellent and simple-to-use software for membership sites"

When you join Member, you'll get the very best of both: extensive documentation that empowers you to manage the LMS without assistance, and excellent help when you're in need of assistance.

5. LMS Plugin Modification Options

The ability to customize is an essential feature of every LMS plugin. It allows users to customize your own platform and meet your individual needs, providing a unique, dynamic learning experience.

However, not all LMS plugins provide the same degree of flexibility, and a few have limitations that restrict the possibility of fully customizing the content and courses you use.

Member stands out in its ability to manage and satisfy a variety of customization requirements with ease.

This is how you do It works:

  1. Responsive Layout and Design Options Members' responsive design guarantees that your content looks great on any device. Additionally, you have the flexibility to adjust designs and layouts to match your brand's design, ensuring a cohesive and professional look across all your materials.

With these options for customization, Member empowers you to build a unique and powerful LMS that perfectly aligns with your goals and the requirements of your students. This flexibility enhances the learning experience for the user and lets you continuously improve and expand your offering.

6. Regular Updates and Future-proofing

Frequent updates and future planning are essential for any LMS plugin. Regular updates ensure that your LMS remains secure, in line with the most current WordPress versions and is stocked with the latest features that enhance the user experience and functionality.

Future-proofing your LMS is a matter of selecting a system which meets your requirements today as well as evolves to meet your goals for the future.

Member excels in this area and has a staff working continuously to provide popular features and enhance its functionality.

There are several factors that make frequent updates and future-proofing is essential and the way that Member fulfills these requirements:

  1. Updates are essential for keeping your security in check with your LMS. They patch vulnerabilities and protect from new threats, making sure that the content you publish and your user data are safe. Member's commitment to frequent updates ensures that you are able to trust your LMS to remain protected.
  2. The LMS market is always evolving, with new trends and technology emerging on a regular basis. If you choose a software which is constantly adding the latest features, you will ensure that your LMS remains competitive and adaptable to the evolving requirements of your customers. The team of members actively monitors the feedback of users and implements frequently requested features, ensuring that the plugin remains cutting-edge.
  3. The future is in the planning. picking a program that will meet your current requirements and is able to evolve and grow. Members' ongoing improvement and dedication to improve its features assure that it can continue to adapt to your needs as your LMS grows.

Through frequent updates and future-proofing Member will ensure that your LMS remains solid, safe and up-to-date solution that is ready to meet both present and future challenges.


Selecting an WordPress LMS plugin is much more than comparing prices and attributes.

As you can see in this article, crucial factors such as compatibility, user experience, scalability, support, customization options, and regular updates are all crucial in ensuring the performance of your LMS meets your needs and is able to support your expansion.

Explore Member Today to see if it can meet and exceed your LMS requirements, assisting you to create a dynamic and effective educational platform.

        What else do you consider when choosing an WordPress LMS plugin? Let us know in the comment section below.

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"We've tested a few different membership tools which were part of packages that we'd put money into. But nothing can compare to the Member. There's certainly a lot of cool things that users have created throughout the years. However, when it comes to customization, if you are using WordPress there's no way to alter this. Of course, I'm biased, but we've made millions of dollars because of this product."

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