5 Ways to Monetize Your Customers in 2023

Nov 2, 2022

The economy of the creator is still alive and very well. We're living in a time that creatives have endless options for creating stunning content and put it out to the world. Whether you're an established creator or considering being one there are plenty of places to build.

However, one of the toughest parts about being a creator could be the decision into making a living. It's not easy to determine how to make money off your fans. There's a myriad of views available. Many influencers are giving you advice on how to go about it. But unfortunately, sometimes it appears that you're making money from them and not just the opposite.

Another issue with the process of monetizing your audience is that a lot of commonly used options don't offer full control. Affiliate marketing sounds great, but what happens when the business you're earning from decides to change its method of payment? You lose that revenue, and you get no say about it. The idea of monetizing ads is appealing however, you're really in the hands of the advertiser. The majority of creators that try to make money through YouTube or Facebook ads only make pennies.

In this post we'll give you some realistic ideas for how you can make your audience more profitable. There's tons of tips out there that you're aware of. So we're going to simplify things. As we move forward will be focused on monetization strategies that actually place you in the position of having ownership and eliminate the possibility of a shift in the preferences of affiliates and advertisers. Here are some monetization methods that really work for 2023.

If you're looking for more help to build your community online, come join OUR Mighty Community for free and meet other new and well-established community owners! We'd love to have you join us. Sign up at no cost!

        In this piece...    

    1. Start a community

    2. Teach a course

    3. Organise an occasion

    4. You can try either coaching or consult

    5. Speaking gigs

    Ready to get started?

1. Start a community

Gather Community

Community is our passion, and it's the place we'll start. Unlike so many other monetization options, a community does just about everything right. Community-based online communities blend something people naturally want to do - gathering and making friends - with the ability to charge members a fee and to create a lucrative business you can start... on the weekend.

In contrast to the numerous alternatives to talk about how to monetize an audience, community-based communities aren't yet at saturation point. They're only just starting. There are people still joining communities, starting communities, and looking for communities.

Another major benefit to the community model is that you won't have to complete a ton of work upfront. You can get started quickly by selecting a high-quality community platform and welcoming your initial members. Communities have started from here, and then grow into multimillion-dollar companies.

Although you'll be able to read about these stories in the Stories of Awesome, let's just highlight a few. Ashley Fox was on the fast way to Wall Street success. But when she realized she was not happy, she made the decision to go on the run and spent her time helping those who are 99% with the financial advice they would not get elsewhere.

ArtSnacksMix was founded by siblings Lee and Sarah Rubenstein, who were selling art-related supplies through their Instagram channel. When they realized that they were also interested in knowing how to put their art together, a community was formed.

Community can come in all shapes and sizes, and are devoted to any topic. Check out these ideas for membership sites.

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2. Teach a course

Next up, teach a course. It's been said before. Teaching courses is now a common method of monetizing your audience.

The teaching of a course could be a great experience, regardless of the degree of its popularity. However, let's look at the trend we're experiencing. Cohort classes, AKA courses that are instructed live, have been exploding in popularity. While people know that they are able to view the course through Skillshare but a large number of users are not getting the personal interaction that traditional education provides.

Feature Item 2 - Courses

Teaching a cohort course lets your students get an opportunity to sit in a live virtual classroom, where they can make friends with other students, get their questions answered in real-time, and stay connected once the course is done.

In addition, you can still post a recording of your fantastic cohort class until people are ready to go through the course on their own. When it comes to Asynchronous vs. Asynchronous classes, you don't really have to pick. Both are possible.

3. Organise an occasion

Let's talk about events.

A huge increase in virtual events as a result of the pandemic and it's not going away. If you are able to master the art of organizing a successful online event, this could provide a fantastic option to make money from the attendance of your audience. Offering something in exchange for your occasion makes it much more likely that people attend and be engaged. As a result, you will give your guests a lot of benefits.


Although a course for cohorts may actually seem like an occasion, it is also possible to organize online summits or networking events, or mastermind group discussions .

Are you unsure of where to start? These are 21 virtual event ideas to inspire you.

4. Consider either coaching or consult

If you're creating an audience through sharing your knowledge this means you're branding yourself as an expert in the field. One of the most effective methods for professionals to earn money from something is by coaching or consulting.

Coaching is a one-to-one practice. There are coaches for just about everything, from business to life as well as fitness to relationships. Coaching can be used to coach an individual or group and aid people to change something in their lives.

An alternative is consulting. It can be a little like coaching, often you are bringing your expertise for a company instead of an individual. In reality, you're required to produce clear deliverables and offer an array of value propositions for the business. One of the most appealing aspects concerning consulting is that you are able to be compensated at a higher rate - businesses are willing to invest in experts with the right qualifications. If you've built an following, then you've probably got most of the business development completed. It might be as simple as posting a message that says you're available.

5. Speaking gigs

The last but certainly not least... talking! This is of course not as different as the events you've posted. Instead of putting up an event, could you use your street cred as well as your experience to turn it into speaking income?

Many speakers are sought after. If it's a live show or an online event, bringing your expertise on stage could be just the ticket. Also, if you've done the effort to create an audience, it's better for organizers to offer you a fee to speak, because they know people will attend.

Ready to get started?

Hope these guidelines have given you some good strategies for the monetization of your audience. Remember, not everything works initially. Many creators who have succeeded in monetized their audience have tried some things that did not work. Don't let failure hinder your progress. Rejoin the bar and continue swinging until you find the thing that works for you.

If you're searching for a great platform to build on Give it a go! It's an all-in-one community platform that will let users do the most common items we mentioned earlier: from hosting fantastic live events, live streaming to giving a class to a group and even creating a standard course on our fantastic LMS.

It has everything you have. It also makes collecting payment simple as well. It is possible to create packages and bundles you can offer to members. It's the only one for you to earn money from your followers.

So if you're ready to go, check it out for free and take a look around. Credit cards are not needed.

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