5 online communities for major ideas

Dec 21, 2022

If you've ever considered thinking of launching an online community, then you aren't the only one. Studies have revealed that 60 percent of organizations have a branded online community and 15% are contemplating adding one over the following twelve months. From intimate masterminds to sprawling communities which have thousands of members all the way from free to costing thousands of dollars, the ways to manage an online community are endless.

Continue reading to discover how other community founders are thriving, and get some tips to implement to your personal community!

Conscious Collective

228 members

3 Access Groups

Hero for seven years

Define your community's purpose and the reason you are there.

My group is called Conscious Collective, and it's an opportunity for people of spirituality who are ready to embrace their potential and power. We recognize that we're all connected and we're all in this as a whole, and we carry that awareness into spirituality. There is the opportunity to train as well as challenging sessions in meditation, mindfulness and personal development that focus in making the practice of spirituality simple as well as accessible and enjoyable. Everyone loves the new challenge system, the Live Room as well as the leaderboard feature.


How is your community structured?

We have two main circles inside Conscious Collective for now. As we expand, we'll be expanding. Most of the action happens in "The Forum". The Forum is for discussion regarding all issues, debate discussion and sharing, as well as invitations to attend live events. There is also the "Spirit Market" group for members to feature, buy sell, trade, or buy their metaphysical art and accouterments. Regular challenges, group meditations classes, and various other events are all hosted in The Forum / Live Room (which is SO much better than Zoom!). We're adding virtual co-working, art nights, and oracle nights in the month of April.

Additionally, I utilize the platform for my advanced membership and for my VIP mentorship program.

A recent community win

People are really embracing the site. The members have been asking for events like art and oracle evening as well as a variety of other events, and are eager to get involved, and perhaps hosts.

Top tip for the other Heroes

The Leaderboard is amazing! Each month, we give away a prize to the winner. The prize this month was a bag of Onyx Coffee, which is one of the most renowned roasters of coffee across the US. The prize isn't huge however it does add a little excitement to the contest and is great for involvement.


Stylist Soul Tribe

228 Members

3 Access Groups

Hero for seven years

Define your community's purpose and the reason people gather.

Stylist Soul Tribe is a mastermind-like community in the beauty industry. It is comprised from 20 tribes consisting of stylists, salon managers, educators, and brilliant entrepreneurs with big plans. Every month we meet to make ourselves accountable and discuss our goals, help one another up, and support one another through the lows. This is truly a community unlike any other and has many deep friendships that have been created.


How is your community structured?

The latest portal available within allows our mastermind community to scale on a whole new scale. It allows us to hype our fellow members up with competitions, to share successes, and make even stronger connections. Being able to have live call and classes is a useful tool to maintain engagement.


Recent community wins

The biggest win to Stylist Soul Tribe this year has been that we reached 100 members in our mastermind community and are so excited to launch the collective in January to expand even further! The Stylist Soul Tribe is hosting a vision casting session coming up soon in which we touch on mindset and vision work along with the entire process of being successful.

Top tip for others Heroes

A tip that I could offer is to give space to your group to be creative. Many of the major suggestions and enhancements within the mastermind were inspired by the people within. Many of the connections have come so organically by allowing the space for that to happen. It has provided me with the means to have a structure to run smoothly to allow me to show up as authentically as I can for my friends.

Kathy Keats Community

The 124 members

1. Access Group

Hero for seven years

Tell us about your community and why you are there.

The Kathy Keats Community is a wonderful group of dog sport enthusiasts who recognize that realizing your potential in dog sport (or any other activity) doesn't just involve developing skills, but rather about progress. You can't kid a dog. The dogs are amazing mirrors who humble us, challenge us, reveal our shortcomings and inspire us to be better ... for them, for ourselves, and our loved ones.

How is your community structured?

The process is still in the trial stage of establishing the most effective format for my community. Right now I'm making use of (or I'll be using) it three methods: one as an adjunct to online classes or as a supportive accountability community that is a membership on its own, and a third way is as a free area to connect with my listeners and integrate people into my network. I use a combination of live meetings and the Live Room feature and Challenges to keep people active and focused on the course. Also, I create weekly updates to my members of the community and am planning to start discussions in the free section to determine what subjects and guests would interest people with my podcasts.


Top tip for other Heroes

If you're planning to use communities in conjunction with online courses, you should consider integrating the community first before the official course start date and engage your learners there with an opening week live event, competition or leaderboard scavenger hunt, because the community is where the bigger learning curve will be, then open your area of instruction. This will help prevent overwhelm and makes it much easier to link to the specific lesson in the class.

Recent community wins

The most recent course has been a massive success, due to the fact that a majority people who attend my courses are not tech-savvy but could easily take part in live Q&As thanks to the simple user interface. I've had more face-to-face live interaction with the community than I've ever experienced through other conference tools since technology didn't get out of the way.

The Level Up Club

63 Members

2 Access Groups

Hero for six years

Describe your community and why they gather.

My community, The Level Up Club is made up of people who are creative, entrepreneurs, as well as changemakers, to come together and network with other like-minded people looking to expand to the next level, improve their skills to make an positive difference in the world.

What are the structures of your community?

I currently have 2 access groups "The Community" which is available for free to join, and "The Golden Circle Mastermind" which is my private mastermind group. There are five circles in my group; one community is one to post general content, Bookish is for talk about books, and podcasting is for, you guessed it -- podcasters. Additionally, I have NLP and Hypnosis for people who want to talk about the subject, as well as one to my masterminds. The challenges have been great entertaining and my group loves being involved. So far the challenges have focused on making friends, along with health and mindfulness related. Meetups are a great opportunity to introduce new people into your community by sharing your events via social media.


A top tip for all other Heroes

Have fun with it! Set up challenges and often challenge yourself.


A recent community win

My neighborhood is now beginning inviting others to join since they're enjoying it so much.

The essence of online communities

The benefits of having a community in conjunction with your other online offerings are evident. Communities give your customers a place to share opinions, and even ask questions. They also give them a chance to connect to like-minded folks.

The benefits of a community are immense for you. Through your community you'll be able to understand your customers' needs firsthand so you can quickly and efficiently modify your product offerings for them. Seventy-six per cent of internet users already participate in an online community Is it now the right time for you to give your audience a space to connect authentically?

Take Communities for a test drive by registering for a free trial of 14 days! Build your dream community, as well as explore the other options we offer, including an the online course, website and sales funnel builders.

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