4 Proven Money-Maker Website Ideas to earn money online through a side-hustle

Jan 13, 2023
Website Ideas for Your Online Side-Hustle

Amid an Arctic storm, your water heater is begs it to for a break. Your kids need new braces. Beyonce launches a brand-new album. A perfect set for a cozy couple to play with your pet Pythons.

What does each of these events have in common? same? It's important to have funds to help bring them about.

And then there's the side hustle.

If you've got your own WordPress site, you have many opportunities to start your own side-hustle business that can be lucrative. They've proven to be one of the highest-paying ones

  • Sell Online Courses
  • Create Premium Memberships
  • Create Digital Downloads
  • Run an Affiliate Blog Help

The side hustle may have been restricted to low-quality business transactions at garages selling a few mispellings of merchandise in the aftermath of large events, now this side hustle is something that's gorgeous. It's profitable, and it's easy. If you've got the ideal ideas for your website, it's easy to launch.

This morning, we'll look at a few useful ideas for websites that you can use to create a side-business that is beneficial to you. We'll cover:
    We'll go beyond that, by offering you WordPress-ready suggestions for rolling into your side hustle with little difficulty and without any stress.

Then, to quote the words of the great Roger Waters: "Grab that cash and make a stash."

What every Website Idea Must Have The Target Market

Whatever side hustle you'd like to explore, there's one principle you must follow:

If you don't possess a potential audience, you don't have a feasible website design.

All of them are part of the top five factors that cause death in the initial stages of.

Top reasons startups fails
Most important reasons entrepreneurs fail (Image Source: Statista)

Don't allow your side-hustle to the business autopsy and ensure that you're reaching a exact target group through the services you offer.

If you fail to do so do this, you'll just waste time and money, and making enough pocket money for one cup of coffee is going be a feat of a lifetime.

OK, then. Deciding who you'd like to target before starting your side hustle is crucial to make your side-hustle successful, however, what are you required to learn prior to beginning?

Consider factors like:

  • What is the age of your potential customer?
  • Do they have a family?
  • How much do they earn?
  • What are they doing for the money?

These demographics alone are insufficient but they are not enough. There is more to learn in order to fully understand your target audience:

  • Pain points. What is it that they're having trouble with?
  • Desires. What exactly are they looking for?
  • Language. What do they use to describe their needs and wants?

Keep in mind that figuring out what drives individuals isn't as simple as it appears.

If, for example, you're a knowledgeable of fitness and desire to aid people to build muscle, it is important to consider what motivates people to build muscular mass in the first place.

Ultimately, it's not about being strong, it's more about attracting more attention and gaining higher status among the masses (or or at least, that's the way they see it).

You can also enhance your marketing to be more successful by learning the way that men who are drawn to building muscles are speaking about it (you can find that on Reddit or fitness forums etc. ).

Similar to each niche. Many people claim to want to "lose weight", "get fit", "make money", etc. The trick is for the item they are really looking for.

It's important to know your prospective clients more intimately than they are their own. Once you've completed your research, you can use the knowledge you've gained to develop a persona of your client (or individuals).

A customer persona can be described as the fictional character that you create to be representative of your intended audience (or specific segments from it). It allows you to become more knowledgeable about your business and makes better decision-making.

It is possible to create your personal customer persona the traditional method using pencil and paper, or you can use a customer persona generator, such as HubSpot's Create My Persona tool..

Make my persona
Make my character

Click to create your persona. The process will be an extensive process in which you will be asked to supply specific details about your ideal customer. This will include their level of education, working hours, the details of their workplace, consumption habits as well as their use of social media as well as other details.

Take a look at the customer avatar called Jane:

Customer Persona template
Customer Persona template

The persona of the customer doesn't include any needs or pain points but it's a great starting point.

In the end, it's simpler to recognize the characters of fiction than with an abstract cloud with numerous characteristics. Therefore, even a very basic persona is superior to none. Ability to develop it as time passes.

Don't be able to make your customer persona too rigid or formalized. The goal is not to paint a a complete picture of your customers, but to provide direction for your side-hustle business.

"Dr. David Travis of UserFocus describes the reason why the majority of teams don't create full-fluffed characters in the initial pass:

"Traditional character profiles began looking excessively polished and outdated. Teams were wise enough to recognize that a fully formed, complete description of the user's needs is impossible at the beginning of the design process. Instead, they had to create conversation to start conversations."

Add more details, however, keep it light. Your target for your viewers is you create a goal with a layer of rings. The bull's-eye image is an incomplete, small picture of the board.
    Now onto the side hustles...

Web Design Idea for Your Side-Hustle No. 1. Selling Online Classes

Socrates once declared that life without exam isn't worth living. The growth is exploding in the present and future of the education industry online Modern man also agrees.

One good example: E-learning is expected to grow exponentially and reach 243.8 million dollars by 2022..

E-learning market in 2014 and 2022
The E-Learning market is expected to grow in 2014-2022

The market for education isn't just limited to professors, academics and other higher educational establishments in the present. Everyday, new entrepreneurs enter this market, offering top-quality education (at a quality price) to the public at large.

It's like an apple cake. It's time-consuming to make, but when you've done it your work, the profit (or gifting) will last for years as well as a continuously changing matter.

The price for online courses is much higher than the dreadful Christmas elves. In fact, Podia found that the price of the median across over 132,000 transactions of the online class cost $182.59.

The business side can be so lucrative that one session could suffice to buy an entirely new Hyundai Sonata for a month.

That's the way it is. the author's journey WordPress blog WordPress has been taking, bringing in over $27,000 of monthly income.

Paul Jarvis' course revenue
Paul Jarvis' course revenue

What can you do to harness the power of hustle? Return to the target clients and to the individuals you're targeting. What is the lesson you could teach them that they'd inclined to spend money on? What are they able to do to improve their lives and healthier?

Or, what can you offer you that others cannot? The process of teaching someone isn't a requirement for a college degree education, you just have the determination to devote the time needed to instruct.

Once you've figured out the issue, it's "just" a matter choosing the best WordPress plugins.


Website ideas: selling courses with LearnDash

The cost for a year's license is $159; however, the cost increases to $189 if you choose to make it available across multiple websites.

WP CourseWare

Website ideas: selling courses with WP CourseWare
WP CourseWare

It provides all the functionality that you'd like to have, from a drag and drop design interface for courses to drip-based content, quizzes , and grade books.

The cheapest license you can get is $129.


Website ideas: selling courses with LearnPress

It integrates with all the popular payment systems, and permits users to design quizzes as well as other interactive content that incorporates gamification, like badges and points, for keeping things fun and interesting for your learners.

Web-based Website Ideas for You and Your Side-Hustle #2 Create Premium Memberships

If the online courses you take are fruitscakes, then premium memberships are also macarons.

This means you have a monthly bankable income you could add to your savings. A majority of online users claim to have utilized some kind of subscription during the last 12 months, with the vast majority of them having many subscriptions.

US shoppers' subscription activity
US customers' subscribing activity

The question is, how lucrative can this side hustle turn out to be?

The founder of Visual Media Church started their membership program with a tight budget of just $2,500. They currently have more than 575 members who pay $25.00 or more per month.

Visual Media Church Case Study
Visual Media Church Case Study

That's around $15,000 per month at a minimum. It's impressive.

It is a process to come up with ideas to design a membership plan is similar as brainstorming ideas to create an online course.

Check out your personas and inquire what they can gain from participating in a weekly program. Are they able to benefit from an organized community of other like-minded folks? Are they willing to spend money to get it?

If you're a creator of content do you have enough content to justifiably spend the money? Blog posts are more than 1,000 words. So consider how long you're willing and able to commit before you jump in.

If you're prepared to invest the time Here are some resources you could use for a start:


Website ideas: creating membership with WooMembers

A combination of two WooCommerce extensions The WooMembers bundle contains everything you require to get started using a membership site.

It is possible to charge on a monthly basis, restrict access to content to different member tiers, and make additional sales (like online classes) along with the membership.

Ultimate Membership Pro

Website ideas: creating membership with Ultimate Membership Pro
Ultimate Membership Pro

Do you want to know what we did to increase our number of visitors by 1000 percent?

Join over 20,000 people to receive our email newsletter with insider WordPress advice!

It's not as widespread like WooCommerce and its tutorials on the features aren't as extensive, however it has a low price , this tool could be a good idea for your side hustle.


Website ideas: creating membership with MemberPress

It's easy to configure It comes with all of the necessary features like access control, forums coupons, drip content, and analytics. It's also secure.

The cost for the base plan is $129 per year.

Okay, let's get to the next venture. Similar to the previous two it is a great option to be a stand-alone venture or be a synergistic addition to existing ventures. It is also the easiest option on our list right now and is the ideal choice for the final one.

Website Idea to Your Side-Hustle #3: Provide Digital Downloads

Both side hustles offer ample potential but they required items that aren't available to everyone: time.

Downloads can be sold as well, such as templates and ebooks:

Website ideas: Examples of digital downloads from Autumn Witt Boyd, LLC
Downloads of digital files taken by Autumn Witt Boyd, LLC

Additionally, worksheets, recipes meals planners, recipe packs, fonts that can be customized and so on.

Your imagination is your only limit when it comes to downloading materials. In particular, they are an excellent side-business. The revenue they earn is greater than any time it's beenn and giving printed books an excellent performance.

They are also excellent for getting a position in search engine results and for ranking in search engine results, Chill Insurance discovered when their publication increased its organic reach (PDF documents) blossom.

Website ideas: Chill Insurance case study
Chill Insurance Study of a instance

Ready to start using digital downloads as your side-hustle? Check out these plugins.

Digital Downloads that are easy to download

Website ideas: Offer Digital Downloads with Easy Digital Downloads
Simple Digital Downloads

Sometimes referred to as EDD, EDD is one of the plugins which is so common for selling digital items that it's also able to include WordPress.

It will cost you between $399 up to $499, based upon the features you need, but for this kind of business, you could choose the "personal" plan . This is the most effective and includes everything you require to process payment and offer your digital items to buyers.


Website ideas: Offer Digital Downloads with WooCommerce

You are able to at the very least use the base plugin that is available for free in WooCommerce to sell your digital downloads.


Website ideas: Offer Digital Downloads with Payhip

Payhip is an online subscription and download platform that has been endorsed by more than 130,000 sellers around the world.

It's simple to use and the checkout process is specifically designed to improve the conversion rate (this is crucial! ) Additionally, it comes with useful features like customer coupons that are updated and updates for customers, and an affiliate program that permits the user to hire their own affiliates.

Begin with Payhip for without cost when you select their Free Forever plan.

A Website Idea to Help your Side-Hustle #4, Run an Affiliate Blog

The summary is as follows:

The owner of a business has a product they want to sell. The publisher (also called the affiliate) will sell the product to their customers for the commission amount, which can be paid in a lump sum or as an amount. After the sale is completed and the seller pays the commission.

The cycle repeats with every new purchase by the affiliate for the seller:

Affiliate Marketing Model
The Affiliate Marketing Model (Image Source: eBay)

More likely is that you will receive more lucrative commissions since your blog is a good source of traffic for your website and you're more likely to receive your payout sooner than if you were beginning with nothing but a blank page.

Remember that you're obligated to disclose your connection to the business located inside the United States.

A majority of people will include the disclaimer at top of their article:

Website ideas: Example of disclaimer at the top
Disclosure sample located at the top right

Putting them at the bottom of the blog is an acceptable option:

Website ideas: Example of disclaimer at the end of the page
Exemple of disclaimer at end of page

There's a good reason to consider blog affiliates: The profits generated by this part-time business could be huge.

One blogger earned $16,433 using one product.

Even as an additional source of income It will take more than creating a generic piece of copy and including an incentive to act.

You should be aware the fact that 55% the people who come to your website will read your post for 15 minutes... and perhaps less.

If it's not, then your chance of getting an affiliate commission goes down.

If you're looking for a way you can begin your journey with affiliate blogging, there are a variety of programs to choose from. They function in this way.

Amazon Associates

Website ideas: Amazon Associates Homepage
Amazon Associates Website

If you're like me then you're spending way too much time on Amazon. It's likely that your readers do too.

For instance, in the course of a period of time, one blogger went from earning an average of $50 per month with Amazon Associates to $2,000.

The steps required to join to the Amazon Associate ranks are pretty easy.

If you've been approved and applied after approval you can simply post a link from an affiliate website on a website where you state that you may earn a commission, and let a reader click on it.

The benefit of the program is the fact that users don't have to buy the product the link referred to for you to earn a commission rate. If they make a purchase from Amazon in the initial 24-hours following the installation of the cookie in their system, you receive a commission in exchange for the purchase.

This is despite the reality that commissions and commission rates set according to category products, aren't the most effective in the market...

Website ideas: Amazon standard fee rates
Amazon fees for standard services

Amazon's insanely high conversion rate of up to 74% for members of Prime makes it a solid option for bloggers.

to get access to the amazing details, here are two alternatives that you could make your use of Amazon Associates. Amazon Associates program and a WordPress blog.



In the event that you decide to upgrade to the professional version, you'll pay $49.50 per single-site license.

Additional features are available, such as Amazon API report that lets users import and look for affiliate hyperlinks from Amazon, geolocation redirects, as well as automatic keyword linking, which helps you optimize the content of your posts already published a breeze.

Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin

Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin
Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin

While the name might be a little brash, AAWP lives in accordance with its descriptions. The program was created specifically for Amazon affiliate program, it's necessary to invest around $50 for the first time to use this program.

The disadvantage for this particular plugin is it's built to integrate in conjunction with Amazon Associates, so if you manage multiple affiliate programs on your blog, you'll need to connect it to other plugins.

or, even better visit their websites.

So, for instance, does your site cater to women of the young age group? If yes, then the Here & Now Collective from Refinery29's Here & Now Collective may be an ideal fit to your blog.

Here & Now Collective's affiliate program
This is the Here and Now Collective affiliate program

Do you work with a tech-savvy crowd or with other marketing companies? Drip's affiliate programme has an exclusive category for bloggers under influencers as partners.

Drip's influencer program
Drip's influencers program

The list goes on. The process of finding the right partner program is as easy to search for items or articles within your field, or taking a look at the products that you enjoy.

What are the things you use in your own life that you truly do you believe in? It could be helpful to those who read your blog?

If yes, you've established the foundation for an affiliate relationship and could make this side hustle work for you at your own terms.


Online classes are among the hottest growing products in the world of products that provide information. It's easy to set up your own online course by through an LMS plugin for your WordPress website. You can also impart your expertise at a premium price.

It is a fact that all online courses along with membership websites have to put some serious time into the development of their courses. In addition, if you wish to create an active community, keeping these can consume also large amounts of your time.

Digital downloads are where they play a role. Selling ebooks, recipes, worksheets picturesets, templates as well as any other web-based items you consider is an additional easy, less time-intensive side-hustle that can help you earn money.

If you own a blog with an audience, affiliate blogging can be a fantastic side-business.

Amazon Associates is one of the easiest program for bloggers to sign up with  If you'd rather to do it yourself There are many companies that are independently owned with partner programs.

They have proven to be effective as strategies for making money, and if done correctly, they will adopt the lifestyle which is theirs. Your job might be a side business.

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