30 important membership site statistics for 2023. Also, suggestions to increase the efficiency in your Strategy WordPress Membership plugin - Membership Sites

Sep 24, 2023

30 vital statistics on membership sites in 2023 and ways to improve your Membership Strategy

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            Most up-to-date HTML0 research and have provided the most up-to-date details on subscription sites and insights into the rising trend of subscriptions.          

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The growth of the creative environment has created opportunities for entrepreneurs to make money from their ideas. Through tools like Member, the concept of launching an online website for membership has been made much simpler than before.

An extensive list of details concerning your site's affiliation will ensure that you are able to navigate across the constantly changing landscape.

There's a myriad of websites that are based on membership. In this post we focus on three key categories within this sector:

  • Educational Platforms (Learning Management Systems)
  • Association Membership Models
  • Subscription-Based Platforms

The data provided won't only help you in your advertising, but provide you with a view of what is to come that you're working in.

Are you ready to start? Then let the numbers begin!

Learning Management Systems (LMS) Stats

An increasing number of companies employ learning management systems (LMS) to build websites for education or to incorporate educational components in their membership sites. It is an excellent way to increase the value of your business and increase the variety of services it provides.

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Now, we'll examine what's happening in the LMS platforms market.

  • A report on the market in 2023 by Fortune Business Insights discovered that the world LMS market is is forecasted to be $16.19billion. In the coming year the market is expected to grow to $18.26 billion..
  • The forecast for 2030 is to see the amount rise to a staggering $47.47 billion.      
  • The fastest growing market is Europe while the most important market are North Americaaccording to a report by Straits Research.
  • The growth is due to the rise in internet connectivity and the increased use of smartphones in educational establishments as well as the increasing appeal of customers towards LMSs.
  • Over 40%of Fortune 500 companies use an e-learning platform, also known as LMS to take on and teach employees in line with the changing market of eLearning.      
  • LMS students use the devices to access their online classes. desktop (89 percent), laptop (76 percent), tablet (25 percent), and smartphones (19 percent). This indicates that there is the need for LMSs to capable of adapting to the different demands of students.
  • The top wanted LMS features from 2022 until 2023 comprised the management of conformity and certification (53 percent), content writing (15 percent)) and library libraries to support courses (15 15 percent). (Capterra)
  • The median LMS budget for software ranges between $15-$40 for each user.

Association Membership Statistic

Nursing association members

They typically represent small organizations that are devoted to a particular industry or profession, and even philanthropic goals. They often collaborate with member organizations along with trade unions, or blends of these two.

The main objective of these groups is to encourage information sharing, promote the best practices, increase member networks, and further promote the interests of members.

In contrast to conventional businesses, organizations are designed to serve specific groups of people with special requirements.

The goal of an association is influenced by the sector it's associated with or its cause. Here are some of the most effective tips to increase the effectiveness of association marketing and increase membership.

  • One of the main reasons for joining associations are an opportunity to network (64%) and also continuous training (39 percent) and knowing how for implementing the most effective practices in their area (33 per cent).
  • 50 percent of organizations have added more members as of 2023, growing to 38% from 2022, as well as the 2021 figure of 26% showing an accelerating trend in member growth during the last three years.
  • In 2023, used the following channels to recruit new members: email (85%), organic social media (67%) and association-sponsored events (66%).      
  • Associations' top concerns about why prospective members aren't signed up to become members are valued as inadequate (60 percent) and the lack of recognition for their brand (39 percent), lack of financial backing by employers (29 percent).
  • 34 percent of associations ask for users to become members of their group for the purpose of getting their members to be involved.
  • 50 percent of companies offer their members a period of three months for accessing benefits after the expiration date for the membership.
  • Engagement is one of the most pressing challenges for businesses, with is 51% connecting a lack of engagement with the reason why members weren't renewed.
  • Innovation is key in determining members' retention as well as their attainment. Yet, only 25% of businesses were considered to be exceptionally or highly innovative. (Marketing General)      
  • 13 Percent of organizations that added, modified or cancelled events noticed increased engagement from members which suggests that you should change your strategy. (GrowthZone)
  • 60 percent of them provide their customers automatic annual regular payment schedules. 14% allow automatic monthly payments, however only 26% of them have two options in 2023.
  • Only 38 percent have a process that can be used to connect people who have become not engaged.      

Subscription Model Statistics

Subscription model statistics

Services and companies that offer subscription-based services have been popping up everywhere, and they have good reasons. What's not to love with regular cashflows and the loyalty to customers?

In addition, consumers are now aware of the advantages of subscriptions over owning a property outright. This is why this concept is expanding dramatically.

Let's look into the most important figures that define the industry of subscription. These numbers will allow you to understand that so many are in the subscription train and the reasons it's set to be the dominant market over the next several years.

  • An early report estimated the value of digital subscriptions to be about $650 billion.
  • In 2025, it's set to grow by $1.5 trillion in accordance with the most current estimates. (Lineup)
  • An estimated around 205 million Americans are reported to have an at-least one subscription service, which is in rise of 23 million more since 2020.
  • By the end of this year's season three quarters (75 percent) of direct-to-consumer companies will likely offer subscription-based offerings. (RetailDive)
  • The annual growth rate of subscription companies is between 30-50 percent each year. (The Paypers)
  • According to a research conducted by Global Banking and Finance, 70% of the most influential business executives of key industries such as retail and finance consider that subscription models are vital for achieving growth..
  • 53 per cent of the top financial professionals asked by CFO reported hat 40% of their business revenues come from an online subscription or the product.
  • More than three quarters of all businesses claim that subscriptions help retain customers, and helps build confidence..
  • Worldwide acceptance of the subscription economy stands at approximately 16%, with a goal of 30%. (Citi)
  • In 2027, it is estimated that 83 % of U.S. households will no ever be a subscriber to a traditional TV provider. (Leichtman)

Strategies and best practices Have We Developed?

The only thing left to do is the wrapping! I'm sure you'll gain understanding of the game after looking through the three kinds of membership.

There's plenty of data which can assist you in changing your strategy and create more effective choices to improve the value of your website's members. Below are some tips and the most effective methods we've discovered:

     1. LMS (Learning Management Systems) Best Techniques

  • Maintain Content Control: Ensure your LMS gives you full control over your content. The ability to implement immediate revisions, changes or upgrades is essential to stay in tune with the evolving demands of your intended audience.
  • It's crucial to focus on responsiveness. The results show the variety of devices used for classes. Choose LMS applications that can be responsive offering a smooth experience to your students whether they're using laptops, tablets, or desktops and phones.

     2. Best Practices for Association Membership:

  • Engagement Value If networking is a major motivation for individuals to join organizations and organizations, think about hosting regularly scheduled webinars, virtual meet-ups or forums to meet this demand.
  • personalized marketing With a significant increase in membership growth over recent three years, you must be aware of your customer base. Use targeted marketing strategies line with the specific needs as well as the needs of potential members.
  • strategies to re-engage Since only 38% of members have an approach to engage the people who were turned away in the past, it's important to create strategies for attracting members who are leaving. This could be achieved via promotions, offers or surveys. Or perhaps highlight the benefits of a new product.

     3. Subscription Model Best Practices:

  • Differentiate payment methods Based on the diverse preferences of individuals for various payment frequency, offer multiple options for subscriptions, which range from each month and annually to meet the different requirements.
  • Keep up with the latest trends The market of digital subscriptions will be growing rapidly. ensure that you are aware of new trends. It allows the company to adjust their offerings and stay ahead of the curve.
  • Focus on retention A majority of companies saying that subscriptions improve retention of customers as well as loyalty. Make investments in strategies that increase loyalty. This could be done through special content, discounts only available to members, or even regular feedback loops.

After you've implemented these successful methods, you'll be better ready to increase the value of your membership website, regardless of whether you're using an LMS or an association membership or subscription-based services.

In the form of a synopsis

The reason is simple: the subscription market is rapidly growing and isn't declining in any manner. Do you think of starting an online course or creating a steady flow of money to your shop? There's no better time to get started rather than right now.

It's all about providing top quality service that makes life simpler for your customers. Do this, and you'll start earning more money every year.

Start with the proper equipment that makes the process of creating an online presence for your the members of your organization.

Did you find our blog helpful? Keep up with our blog on Facebook, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn for more tips as well as the most effective ways to maximize the value of your WordPress web-based subscription.

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