14 Email Strategies for Building Lists 2023 |

Apr 1, 2023

Anybody who's been a fan of a marketing expert, or attended a seminar knows the importance of an email database as vital to the business. While social media platforms come and go, emails are STILL ruler of the world of marketing. The majority of us get up early in the morning to go through it. We feel excited whenever we come across anything that's valuable.

The rising popularity of email shows that it's an integral part of every strategy to market. Marketing professionals rely upon... This is a list. The year 2000 was when HubSpot did a roundup of email-related statistics. They revealed that there are four billion people using email each day. 64 percent of small businesses use email marketing and 77 percent of marketers have seen the increase in engagement through email!

That's awesome. However, it also makes establishing an email list an absolute goal.

No matter if you have any list at all, or a handful of hundreds, perhaps even thousands, the likelihood is you'd want to expand it. So in this article, we'll guide you through the steps needed to build an email-based list, including efficient and tested-and-true methods.

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In this piece...

     The secret to building email lists

     How to create the email lists (14 methods)

     1. Pop-ups

     2. In-Line

     3. Bars at the head or footer

     4. Pages for landing

     5. Paid ads

     6. Community

     7. Subscribing to subscribing information

     8. eBook

     9. Quizzes


     11. Webinars

     12. Virtual event

     13. In-person event

     14. Partnerships


The secrets for building an email list


  • Targeted personas. You must know the people that you would like to add into your database and those you don't.
  • A clear value proposition. Your offer is valuable and you maintain contact by emailing messages that work.
  • In a sales funnel. If you're creating an email list to increase the size of your business it isn't enough to just expect your customers to sign up. The email campaigns should be placed within the sales funnel.
  • Excellent subject lines, and solid content. It's important for people to open your email and be thankful that they did. Numerous firms are bombarding their customers and ruining the trust of their customers through bad emails.
  • Segmentation of the market. Every customer doesn't want to be treated the same way. It is possible to customize the value that you provide through breaking your customers into different segments.

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How to build an email list (14 strategies)

1. Pop-ups

If you own a site there is no doubt the effectiveness of pop-ups. Numerous studies have proven that pop-ups have more people signing up to newsletters than any other way employed on your site.

While they may be irritating, you are able to alter the pop-ups in order to make sure that they don't pop up until people have read through the bulk of your material. This means that you're drawing attention to people who have already experienced something on your site.

Also, you can decide how often visitors will get pop-ups, if they go back often to your site.

There's a reason you're still getting pop-ups even in 2023. They're effective. If you're not taking advantage of thesetools, you're missing potential users.

Here are some tips to help you make your pop-ups profitable:


  • Write a short and concise pitch: "Get our step-by-step directions to gain 10 new clients during this week" is much more effective than "Want your business to expand?"
  • Visually appealing and simple. High contrast, however, without excessive words.
  • Make sure that the mandatory fields are at the minimum. An email address and first name address are most beneficial. If you ask for too many details, people are less likely to sign it.
  • Send them something valuable within their inboxes the moment you sign up .

2. In-Line

Inline opt-ins are an option to replace the pop-up's annoying counterpart. A lot of people opt for this because it's less disruptive. In addition, they may include a pop-up and online offers.

An inline opt-in basically lives in the text of your site. As readers are scrolling through the content, they'll see an opt-in form that offers readers something. Sometimes, it's simply a matter of "join our mailing list. "

Online opt-ins can bring less visitors, but they will be high-quality leads which really would like to hear from you.

3. Bars to the foot or head of the bar

A final method of generating email notifications on the use of a website or blog is to use the footer or header bars. They work in a similar way to the other opt-ins, but they can be placed between the content or above it. They are typically in the same place as the user scrolls.

These same principles we discussed about earlier are still applicable. Keep it simple. Offer value.

4. Pages for landing

What happens if you do not have a web page?

It's not necessary to have to have one. It's simple to put together a one-page landing page using an application like Convertkit, or ClickFunnels. You can create your email list without having a web-based site, and they allow you to create awesome landing pages as well as opt-ins that are separate and hosted.

5. Paid advertisements

When you've found a way for collecting email addresses, which we talked about in the past, you may want to consider paid advertisements as an option to drive visitors. If you have only one Convertkit landing page, you need something to your ads to point towards.

Once you have that, you'll be allowed to buy advertisements. Advertising is an art in it's own. However, there are two basic ways to take into consideration:


  • Advertisements on social media. This is the case when you use the social media platforms such as Facebook to create a custom audience , and then place advertisements in front of them. A lot of social media platforms permit you to pick from various types of demographics. It is possible to filter your users by their age, geographical place of residence, or even interests. In the case of Facebook it is possible to purchase ads for users who have like websites in your field already.
  • Google CPC ads: this is the time to advertise for Google by bidding on certain phrases. If users type keywords into google the page is listed in the top result by a hyperlink that's sponsored.

Both of these options are two of the most commonly used forms of internet advertising-not all of them. But, generally speaking advertisements must lead users to a website which they are able to enter the email addresses they have in.

6. Community

The most efficient and affordable way to increase your email list is through the use of a group. An online platform such as Mighty can create a stunning community with boards for discussion, messages, profile profiles for members and so on. You then invite members!

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It might be totally cost-free. This means that customers will be attracted to sign up with their email address to create accounts knowing they'll get an abundance of value from. You are then growing not only your list in addition to your reach as people in your group will be able to benefit from the services you have to provide.

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7. Request subs to forward the request

It is among the least known methods of building your list of email subscribers. Make use of current subscribers.

This is the group of people who signed up for your updates. They already have a sense of who you are and they are curious about what you have to share.

If you're hoping to expand the number of people who subscribe to your emails it is necessary be able to enhance your emails that they forwarded to another person and say, "You gotta read this! "

Instead instead of waiting for someone else to forward, do you want to ask them to forward it? If you've created a valuable email, ask that they forward it to a colleague. Include a link to your website's landing page inside the message itself. It's possible to add an option to reward or referral link to encourage users to forward email messages.

8. eBook

The process of creating an ebook could appear like a daunting task. If you've got a crucial message you want to convey and believe you're in the right place to share it, then why wouldn't you?

You can create an eBook and make it available on sites such as Amazon. The eBook could be utilized to sign up users. There's an abundance of opt-ins that are available. But, only a handful of them offer ebooks. I'm hoping this makes the experience more attractive to the people you target and make them think it's more serious.

It's good news, your eBook doesn't have to be written the way War and Peace. If it's only thirty or forty pages, when it's organized and useful, it's likely to function as an opt-in.

9. Quizzes

The fact is that quizzes are among the most effective email building instruments accessible. If you've ever tried an online personality test, or the "Which Disney princess am I?" quiz, you already know that you've put your email address into that test.

A certain intensity and excitement of a test could transform us from skeptical intelligent readers to "Shut down and get my email "

If you are able to include a game or game of any sort onto your website, you might have the key to an effective opt-in.


There is a slowing trend, but downloads are still being used. If you go to a site and you're presented with the choice to "download our free ebook," you're looking at an opportunity to download sign-up.

The PDF format is more likely to be most used. However, things such as templates and worksheets, calculators or coloring pages create great downloads.

11. Webinars

Webinars have been the darling of online marketers for over 10 years. And this is because they have a knack for building mailing lists.

Webinars give you the exciting feeling of a live training, especially if it's with someone famous who is following you.

 - Graphics - Courses and live streaming - Galaxy DAO

You'll receive a link. Then you access the webinar and take a look at the video. It's as simple to do that.

If you're in the process of building a list, can you create a webinar that could be helpful to people that are considering joining? Are you able to offer it gratis, for instance, to be a lead generator to encourage subscribers to sign-up? The show can be recorded live or pre-recorded-either one can make a great way to create an email database.

12. Virtual event

If you're searching for ways to increase the size of your list of email subscribers You should think about an event that is live! Make it a significant and exciting live event and making an announcement is an excellent way to bring in new customers to your list of email subscribers.

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You could do things like interviews or free training. In fact, coworking and networking sessions may be possible.

If you can make an invitation to your viewers for an event they're sure to enjoy include an opportunity for them to sign-up to be the people you want to add them to your database.

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13. In-person event

Why not consider a live or hybrid event in order to grow the number of people who sign up for your email? It's common to consider email to be an aspect of online marketing, however there's no reason to think that a successful in-person gathering will not help you grow the number of people who sign up to your emails.

The event should be promoted and be something people will want to come to. Get emails from people to be part of the planning: whether they register for the event or after they're there for the party.

14. Partnerships

If you're thinking of methods to increase your email list you've probably thought to you there exist individuals who have millions of clients on their lists who you'd want to become your ideal clients or clients.

Strategic partnerships can be super valuable. It could be as easy for example as being the host on a podcast, or writing an article for the most popular site. If you're able to profit from someone else's followers by leveraging their audience, you're growing your own.

How can you do this? You should probably invite people with large followings to be featured on the sites that you are in charge of. For instance, let's say you have an influencer within your field with 10,000 followers. If you invite them to participate in live streams or webinars with you in an interview, you've given the person a reason to add it to their list. However, any registrations occur on your behalf and add to the list of people you're inviting.

Partnerships have been tested and have been proven. Find out which one works best for you Make sure that you have a mutually advantageous agreement. But a great partnership can grow your email list quickly.


This article provided you with some interesting options in how you can increase your email lists! It isn't necessary to accomplish everything. Concentrating on just one or two and figuring out what works best for you and your company can be effective.

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Mighty lets you build your email list. It will provide your subscribers with the kind of benefit that you can't find anywhere else. Give it a shot! It's no cost for 14 days. no credit card required.

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