13 Tips to Grow your online Community 13 Tips to Grow an Online Community

Apr 6, 2022

Every content and brand creator has to face the issue of how to grow an online community of faithful clients who will continue to come back and engaging with them.

To foster and grow an online community, you need to provide your users with a sense of ownership over the entire community. Ideally, hiring a team of moderators could help make it the best possible space for all.

In this regard we have compiled our best tips on how to grow an online community and help your members feel at home.

A fundamental element of a successful online community

If you're seeking advice on how to grow an online community, it's crucial to first understand what makes the best community.

What makes a collection of people who are strangers to a family of connected people who are friends?

  • Communication: An online community doesn't mean just a few members of a Facebook group. To truly be regarded as a community there needs to be continuous communications and cooperation. The best communities are sustained by the members of their communities, and for the benefit of their members. It is a place that fosters mutual respect, cooperation and discussions.
  • Cohesion: If you're searching ways to build an online community and foster an identity then you must work towards creating a sense of identity for the members of your community. The cohesion of your community online is one of the things which will determine the longevity of your community. Work on improving social cohesion within your group by implementing a strategies for community engagement as well as small tricks like providing your community with a name and a mission statement.
  • Safetyis a top consideration when you're looking for ways to build a community online must be to create an environment that is safe and inclusive for everyone in your community. Although this is crucial to your reputation as a brand as well, it's also an essential determinant of whether or not people will want to be involved in your community.

13 tips for how to build a community online

When it comes to brands trying to grow an online community, there are some tried and tested strategies to consider. Follow these guidelines to improve the engagement of your community and boost feelings of connectedness and cohesion among your local community.

Let's look at it from the top.

  1. Be honest about your the goals you want to achieve

If you are a business trying to figure out how to grow an online community The first step to start with is your objectives for your community. What is the reason you are trying to expand your online presence? What do you hope to achieve? What are you hoping to do for your members?

If you're planning on investing time into growing your community on the internet then you must be sure it's a worthwhile activity. Avoid wasting time and resources by outlining your goals at the beginning.

Your goals should be structured around both your brand's goals as well as the goals of your customers. By setting objectives for your group early on, you can make sure that all your activities such as promotion and posting content - is geared towards advancing those aims.

  2. Select your choice of platform

Another step to take for businesses looking to grow their social media presence and gain maximum value from their clients is platform choice.

There are a variety of online community platforms depending on the needs of your users.

The first thing that pops to mind when you think of an online community website could be Facebook or LinkedIn However, there are many other platforms that could be right for your company.

Free vs branded online community platforms

There's an argument for using the free as well as branded communities when considering how to grow an online community.

  Open platforms  

Platforms that are free like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Reddit are readily accessible to your members. These platforms are searchable and potential members can find your community simply by searching for it on the internet. At the same time, existing community members can communicate community information to peers and friends, basically serving as free publicity to promote your community.

While there are lots of positives, there are some downsides to free platforms. Some things to be aware of include:

  • Lack of ownership: with no-cost platforms, you don't control the community you've created. This implies that in the event that your website is down due to any reason, or your community gets suspended, a big chunk of the business will be gone. It is impossible to control external forces and that's the reason that it can leave the owners of businesses in a state of sleep. It's also the absence of control over what the environment looks like and is a factor that can weaken your brand experience.
  • Content that is competing: Free platforms are constantly competing for your community members' attention with advertising and alternative content. Their business model for revenue relies on clicks so free platforms do everything they can to encourage your members to click off your page and to other sites that make them money. This can be annoying and distracting. It can also affect the engagement of your audience.
  • More exclusivity: If you're looking to foster and develop an online community, free platforms could also affect the feeling of unity which members of the community feel because they're completely free and accessible to everyone. Although you are able to create private groups on free platforms, they offer more exclusivity than the branded platforms that are created specifically for the members of your group.

Arguably the biggest benefit of platforms that are free is that they're completely free! They're also accessible and simple to use but there are some disadvantages to consider.

  Platforms with brand names  

However, there are platforms that have been branded. They give users the possibility of growing your community online in your own personalized community space. The platforms that are brand-named are hosted on your own platform, using your personal URL. They're tailored specifically for your particular community, its requirements as well as its objectives.

Branded platforms can be really effective to help you grow your social media presence while offering you total control. They're exclusive and don't have the same issues that free platforms have like ads and competing content.

In contrast to free platforms, brand-name platforms offer you the chance to charge a subscription fee for communities. This is a crucial step in the process of figuring out how you can grow your online community, and make it profitable.

has in-built tools designed to make it easy to grow the online community through the basis of a brand-name platform. The users simply need to sign up to begin engagement immediately. Learn more about it here.

  3. Choose community managers carefully

The path to follow to grow an online community begins with the people at the heart of your community: your community administrators.

The choice of your community manager and moderators is an essential stage to grow your online community. Community managers hold the capacity to build or break your online community. They set the tone for your community , and also all the interactions in and around it.

Community managers can be selected within your current team or employ individuals who are specifically suited to fill the position. Whatever you decide to do, make sure that you examine candidates based on their ability to be proactive as well as their interpersonal abilities. A passion for your brand's niche and community goals are also important.

Below are some skills to watch out for:

  • Experiential experience with brand communications Forums, social media and brand communications
  • A thorough understanding of your chosen platform
  • Passion for writing and content creation
  • A flexible mindset that can handle multiple tasks and priorities
  • Self-starter, independent and self-motivated who is able to work under stress
  • Good communication skills
  • Love for helping people
  • Experience with performance tracking and reports
  • Belief in your brand vision and values

The most effective community managers are experienced within their role, and also be able to function independently, without too much input from you or other members of your team. They'll have the ability to convey your values throughout everything they do, which makes them the best advocates for your brand.

  4. Establish an engagement strategy for the community

The key to the growth of an online community is to establish an online community that's self-sustaining. That means getting to the point that members can ask and answer questions in discussions, launching discussion threads and sharing their content without any interaction from your community's managers.

In order to reach this point it is necessary to implement a community engagement strategy that will encourage participants to participate more in the online community.

Ideas for engaging with the community are:

  • Set weekly challenges and themes
  • Polls, surveys, and quizzes
  • Offers giveaways
  • Industry experts and influencers for guest posts
  • Rewards top contributors

  5. Keep it cool with community guidelines

Guidelines for community members help keep your online community cool and free from conflict. The members are aware of what to anticipate from your community online and also what they are allowed to post and can't post.

clear community guidelines are crucial for community managers so they can monitor posts as well as engagement, and then take appropriate action if there are any violations of the guidelines.

These are ideas of community rules you can apply to help grow your online community

  • Respect others and treat them with respect
  • Be kind
  • Learn more about HTML0.
  • Check if other people have posted the same question before posting
  • Beware of changing the thread's topic
  • Don't post personal information
  • Zero tolerance for violent or abusive behaviour

Community guidelines are an important step in how to grow the online community and build a space that's inviting. The problem is that any online community is prone to becoming an unfriendly space if not appropriately moderated. Community guidelines are a good option to stay clear of behavior, and also improve the overall experience for the members.

  6. Never miss new member onboarding

If you're seeking more help with how to grow an online community, and create feelings of belonging make sure you focus on the customer experience beginning the moment they join your community.

The onboarding process for newly-initiated community members is an ideal chance to demonstrate what being a member of your community is all about. Make them feel welcomed while instilling your community values starting from day one.

Your community's onboarding might be a part of:

  • Formally introducing participants to the group via the group's welcome message
  • Helping them create their first connections by assigning mentors
  • Making a distinct call to action for new members to welcome themselves to the community
  • Encourage members to create their own profiles, making it easier for emembers to get to know one another
  • Making members conscious of the guidelines of the community
  • sharing useful resources that are relevant to newcomers
  • A brief tutorial about how you can use community tools

It's your opportunity for you to introduce new users to your community online. Let them feel that they're part of a family with like-minded people - let this guide your communications.

  7. Spoil members with personalized support

If you're trying to grow an online community, you need to infuse communities into your activities.

This is especially important when it comes to assistance. You must be friendly, personal as well as genuine. Show that you really care about helping your members with any issues or problems.

Use these easy tricks in your messages:

  • Make sure to use your members' names
  • You can sign off using your name
  • Personal information should be added to their interests and requirements
  • Refer back to past communications
  • Over and above by making gentle gestures

Implementing these small changes in your communication strategy can dramatically improve your community's sense of belonging - and help you with the issue of how to increase the number of online communities!

  8. Name it

A simple procedure for any company looking to expand their online presence is to identify their online community an identity!

Choose a fun, catchy name for your group and use it on your social media in order to make it more popular. If everything goes as planned then your members of the community will take the name on and start using it themselves.

For some online communities, the process will be organic. People will begin to give them nicknames, or assign the whole community a group name - take the example of Beliebers or BeyHive. What you need to do is notice this and adopt it in your official communications as well.

If you're trying your best to select a name for your community, be sure it's:

  • Simple and simple to use
  • Relative to your business, your industry, or product
  • Inclusive
  • Positive
  • Descriptive description of the members of your group

If you can give your online community an official name and image, you will be able to create a closer connection between people who belong to it and also your business. This is a great way to grow an online community incrementally while making your clients feel as if they are part of a tribe.

  9. Get exclusive deals and chances to participate.

The process of building and growing an effective online community is as much about keeping members in the community as it is about winning the members.

If you would like the members of your community to remain in the long run, you must provide them with incentives to stay. This is why community exclusive incentives, offers and other resources are your best weapon to grow your community on the internet.

If you are able to show the members of your community online can offer them valuable resources and value, it will encourage members to be a part of the community and to actively take part within it.

This also includes:

  • Resources
  • Webinars
  • Live Q&A
  • One-to-one sessions of coaching
  • Early bird discounts

When course creators are asking us to help them grow an online community We tell that they should give members of the community a reason to stay!

  10. Encourage new members

Moderators and community managers can be a crucial tool for building an online community, and so are your most engaged members.

Find influencers in your community and allow them to assist you grow your online community. Influencers are dedicated to your brand. They're an active part of your community and could be an effective tool for companies looking for new ways to increase their reach online.

Make the partnership official by creating badges for best contributors and professionals in your community. Also, you can set up an official system that allows you to promote members to coaches or tutors who can become advocates for your brand.

Additionally, you can ask influential people to provide feedback on your community online. Influencers from the community will be capable of providing you with insight on how you can grow an internet-based community which is beneficial for all of its members. They will be able to provide advice on the most effective methods of engagement for your community, and what users really require to hear from moderators and many more. Listen to what they've got to have to say.

  11. Get friends who will endorse your company's name

Alongside becoming familiar with some of the most prominent community contributors Additionally, look at the outside of your community to discover ways to develop.

No community is an isle. Partnerships with other brands and communities are a great strategy for growing an online community, giving you the chance to access new knowledge and fresh followers.

One of the keys of how to grow an online community is to find pertinent communities you can tap into.

Find partnerships with brands that have:

  • Similar brand concepts
  • Community members in your area of expertise
  • Discussions on relevant topics and concepts
  • A commitment to top quality service and customer support

Every partnership you enter into - either as a strategy for the growth of the online community, or for any other element of your company - should be with brands who have the same values and philosophy as you. Find brands that uphold the same standards, so you can be sure that each collaboration benefits the image of your business rather than harming it.

  12. Continue to grow with KPIs

If you are developing a plan of how to grow the online community, it's a great suggestion to determine the key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which will provide the most value to you.

KPIs can be a great method for measuring the progress of your community. There's a wide range of KPIs you can use to monitor the health of your community online. When choosing the best one take a look at those metrics that are most important to you.

Do you wish to increase the size of your community online by expanding the membership? Does engagement eg. the number of posts and comments matter more to you? What about the number of conversions? The goals you set for your community's online presence will shape your community KPIs.

By measuring and recording the data you collect, you will be able to be aware of the general health and growth of your community online. This is the only way you can tell how you are able to grow an online community around the brand you represent.

  13. Be friendly by utilizing feedback loops

There are many brands struggling with the way to build a community on the internet effectively. The creation of a loop of continuous customer feedback is one approach to achieve it.

Feedback loops are a way to incorporate the feedback of customers into your everyday operations, helping to make the process of adapting and improving your business as effortless as is possible.

Rather than looking at the possibility of revising your offerings or services regularly, feedback loops allow you continuously improve your offerings and ensure it is the top choice on the marketplace.

The process that creates feedback loops inside your online community is like this:

  • Identify priorities: Select the parts of your company or community that can be the most benefitted from feedback from customers, these will be your primary Feedback loops.
  • Use feedback techniques that you prefer: Surveys are the most efficient way to gather feedback from your online community. You might also want to select a few of community contributors for one-to-one interviews for more detailed feedback.
  • Create and revise your feedback questions: The community feedback requirements will be determined by the top priorities you have identified in step 1. It's beneficial to gather the demographics of your community including age, location and occupation.
  • Examine feedback When you have collected feedback from your customers, you need to analyze the information to find patterns and themes that you can use to improve your online community, products and/or products and/or.
  • Brainstorm solutions and implement feedback: To close the loop, you need to implement solutions to the problems identified in your feedback from customers. This allows you to continually increase the quality of your online community and your brand by seeing it through the eyes of your clients.

Feedback loops are a great way to help improve and expand the community online. If you encourage community members to provide regular feedback, you can continue to improve the community service for everyone, and at the same time getting insights into how to improve your services and products too.

You now know how you can grow your internet-based community...

Any creator or brand looking to learn how to develop an online community and start encouraging customers to connect and stay connected, here are 13 proven strategies that will actually work. The time is now to put them into practice.

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