12-plus Online Community Statistics to Shape Your Community Strategy

Oct 6, 2022

Let's stroll through the past for an instant, shall we? Think of a moment where you felt like you really felt part of a community. As if you felt that you were valued for who you were, and were inspired by the ideas and energy of the people around you.

You were probably in a social group. And it doesn't have to be official, communities are all around us. That dog park you visit and talk about dog-related issues with other dog owners? This is a social gathering. That gym or kickboxing class that you attend to, where your can feel your body relax following the most intense workout you've ever had? That's a community.

How would we survive without them? There is a sense of purpose and responsibility in them. The value of sharing your experience and having others affirm "me too" is invaluable.

However, in the post-pandemic work-from home environment, real-time networks and friendships are more difficult to find. What is the best way for everyone to meet like-minded individuals in their area who share similar aspirations and goals? That's where online communities can help!

This week we'll dive headlong into the importance of community for students who are interested in joining them, with a wealth of data to prove it. partnered with survey panel provider, Centiment, to conduct an analysis of over 1000 adult citizens throughout the US to understand how Americans use communities online for educational and learning. Centiment has completed ESOMAR 28. ESOMAR 28.

We compiled all of the relevant community data that you could put into action today! This will allow you to alter your strategies based upon what your audience needs. The proof is at the end of the tunnel .....or community in this case ;).

Skip ahead:

Top reasons why online communities make the perfect environment for learning

    Additional information    

27% stated that they faith in the expertise of their fellow members within an online community. If you think about it, when you're out in public the focus is on your local neighbourhood and the proximity. On the internet, you'll have the chance to learn from people all around the globe, and in across all kinds of fields.

    Diverse opinions    

Perspective, perspective. Do you love when people challenge your thinking? Your students should hear diverse opinions to stretch their big ideas. 45% said they value the diversity of opinions. Online communities make way for an environment that is respectful of learning, and can transform the way that students view the world.

In case you're wondering what you can do to help forward on the road to transformation, ding ding ding! It's the most easy way to make the greatest impression.

    Space that is non-judgmental    

Nobody likes being judged. Do you remember being afraid to ask a question in class, afraid you'd ask a dumb question? Many of us have had that experience. A niche online community is enough to give students the safety and security from like-minded individuals who are looking to improve and support one another. 37% said they appreciate a non-intimidating/judgemental space in an online community. Don't be afraid to create one for your business! Making sure your business is safe will be your best option to the business.

    Collective experience    

37% of people said that they appreciate sharing experiences/pursuits. Connections are what make the world spin. Simply being in the same space with others who are either trying to figure something out or are working towards something else, is a gratifying moment. When you're done with the day, your students will recall how the experience has made them feel! And feeling confident, heard and encouraged to continue to work to achieve their dreams, is unbeatable.

Enhancing interaction and involvement within communities

These days, it's tough to connect with like-minded people physically who are outside of your routine. But online communities? They're staying. Actually, 52% think it's more convenient to meet people with similar the same interests or passions within a community online vs in person.

In logic, this seems to make sense. Imagine your circle of friends. How likely is it that you'll find that all of them are passionate about the same topic you are? In an online community there's a chance to be part of your passion (and it's not necessary to cut down on your nerdiness! You can completely be yourself). Students are searching for the community that will confirm their enthusiasm.

The benefits of learning together are enjoyable than doing it on your own. 55% more people connect with people in online communities than in-person communities. We live in a time which has already moved everything towards remote locations, this percentage can only go up.

Therefore, if you're a crossroads looking to up the rate of completion for your courses, or help engage students who seem to have "dry" material, try the HTML0 method!

Positive feelings of belonging

What communities are you involved in which show your identity? The results of our survey show that 59% of people belong to at the very least one online community and more people say they're members of online communities that they feel they are part of (i.e. 40%) over in-person ones.

Consider the top-performing companies today, that have made it to the top, most of which you may wear or use at this moment. Nike makes us feel like we can do anything, Apple is a symbol of luxurious, Aerie gives us body positivity & self love--the list goes on! The issue is not the product rather the sensation and sense of belonging it provides us. When you entrench that feeling of belonging to your brand, it is more likely that you will have long-term customers who make a significant difference for the students.

Isn't that all we want when we're learning...to come out the other side changed, challenged, and ready to put all that knowledge into the real world? That's why it's important to have an area to be part of.

Pay money

Your biggest concern could be: who will spend money in my area, is it have value? Now consider your favorite hobby that you can't ever enjoy enough. Are you willing to pay an expert to help you learn more about it instead of taking the time to research daily and only see outcomes after months (maybe several years?) You may already be on your entrepreneurship experience.

The majority of people are prepared to invest cash on things that are most important to their values. As a matter of fact, 13% already have started a group or run one before and 24% of them spend money for online community memberships and 33% agree that they're more likely to purchase an online course when it is accompanied by membership in a community of students. Do not overestimate the power of communities and connectivity, and your students will be impossible to stop!

Accountability and learning

There's only a limited amount of time, expertise and responsibility a teacher can give 1-1 to their students. 38% of respondents agree that it's easier to learn in an online group of students rather than being taught by a teacher one on one. Learning together makes it personal. It gives students that inbuilt motivation to persevere and keep bettering themselves in the skill or topic you are teaching them. A majority of respondents said that they have gained as much knowledge from the teacher of the class or course in the same way as they did learned from their peers taking it with them. Evidently, community-based learning is a powerful approach!

Everyone needs to be accountable, and how better to get accountability than with those who simply accept it. There's a reason why this saying is so popular when it comes to speed: If you're looking to get fast results, you should go by yourself, but if you wish to go far, go together.

      Ready to create powerful transformations and connect your students? Try out learning communities today!