10 ways to get involved Jo Kelly Coaches People To become great actors--online

May 8, 2024

Jo Kelly isn't your average acting coach.

She doesn't even make use of the term "teacher" or any other way "I am not providing instructions to people on how to behave" she says. "I help people to avoid being a nuisance."

Through exercises that mimic the real world, Jo coaches mainly actors as well as artists of all sorts as well as non-artist "seekers" on how they can find an inner sense of freedom, and develop their authentic self. So, actors are able to quit acting, and begin acting and becoming. "I would like to be an midwife rather than a coach, because I aid people to return to themselves and also to renew themselves," she says.

She believes that the effectiveness of an actor lies in their ability and satisfaction to devote themselves to their role. "When the character you play is protected in full, your story and the audience are impacted," she explains.

Her distinctive method to coach performers assists them to tap to the child's imaginative side, fascination and fun. What is this? They deliver authentic, real and authentic performance.

In the year 2016, Jo transitioned from in-person coaching and started an online-based business through . Since the time, she's led three consecutive education journeys and has served more than 8,000 individuals. The students of Jo have had amazing success after working with Jo as well as securing job opportunities at the largest studios like Netflix, HBO, Disney, Showtime, ABC Studios and many others.

Here's the way she developed an online business which she is passionate about:

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She carried out her own research

Jo had a different route to acting.

The birthplace of the woman was in Belgium Her home was Belgium. She earned her MBA after which she specialized in human resource management and the psychology of systems. After that, she worked in corporate coaching. "The business world was never like my cup of tea," she shares. "I decided to leave everything and relocate to Paris to start afresh. ."

One of the main reasons for her newfound ambitions was to try her hand with acting. This was something she was in over. She was a dedicated, driven person who put all of her time and cash into learning to be the best actress she can be.

Despite her commitment to her work her profession, she admits that she was an acceptable actor, but was wasn't a star actress. Like many actors, she was afraid of the stage. "Most of my acting colleagues had the same problem," she says. "We were extremely passionate about acting, however when it was time to perform it was a frightful experience ."

She was fascinated by those obstacles that hindered herself and other actors from becoming the most effective actors. "My interest turned into an obsession" She says. "I want to know the reasons why actors who are dedicated and passionate decrease in intensity when the moment comes for them to perform ."

In the following years, she researched why so the actors felt confined. Her study led to the conclusion that when children are playing in their play, they're free. However, when adults are engaged in play they're losing their independence due to pressures from society. "When I discovered that I decided to spend the remainder of my career helping actors overcome their perceptions of themselves to allow performers show their authentic selves the same way that they were in the past," explains Jo.

She started coaching

Jo's research-based experiences prompted her to study various techniques to heal the body and test them with other clients via group and private coaching sessions in the beginning of 2000s. After a few years, she named her business to To Or Not To Act.

It was clear that the employees she worked with were not capable of demonstrating commitment. "No regardless of how committed my colleagues were, they weren't able to demonstrate the capability of being consistent in their attendance every day. Even though we had meetings at least three times per week, the accountability wasn't there between sessions. Balls would get dropped rapidly if the team wasn't there with me." explains Jo.

Her idea was that online classes could help students be more consistent with their routine. They refer to their online classes in the form of "journeys," and the initial journey that she guides people to can be described as The Reset: From Resistance to Freedom. It was developed by her during the year of 2014. "I started to create The Reset so that I could help people through all of the 33 days that it takes," she explains.
    "Since that the website is available, users can access it whenever they want and control their own agenda."

Jo believes that humans are naturally born however, societal pressures us to perceive, think and behave in certain ways. According to her, the purpose The purpose behind The Reset is for people to perform daily exercises that help them remove the limitations of their lives and return to their instinctual nature. Everyday, within The Reset, Jo offers recordings of exercises. Additionally, she offers 2 Q&As, 2 sessions of group work using pods and another semi-Q&A session in which she answers recurring questions on a private Facebook group.

The ability to alter the duration of an online adventure allows Jo's members to do the activities at any time at any time, whether it's at the time they rise or before they sleep or any time they've got some time. "The most important thing is the fact that you can incorporate these sessions work to fit into their schedules," she explains.

Her online business was founded that enabled her to have a an easier lifestyle.

When Jo first began her online Reset journey it was possible for her to record every day sessions accessible on her website. After a few years she transitioned to Reset after receiving a recommendation to sign up for Reset from her mentor. "You already know how to proceed, but I don't" she says with a smile.

After stepping into the coaching space online Jo's lifestyle has changed. When she was preparing for the interview we conducted with her, she called from the hospital where she was spending the time with her child. "Eight years ago my daughter was born with a genetic disorder, this implies that she requires hospital visits each month," she explains.

" It allows me to become a mother and manage the rest of my own existence, all while keeping my online business operating, even when I am in hospital, as my daughter gets her monthly transfusions," she says. "Working online lets me care for my daughter the way I'd like to as well as be at home constantly with her. This allows me to travel to the hospital with medical issues and yet pursue a job I'm passionate about, without stress ."

Then she created her next journeys.

When people are done with The Reset, they have the choice of joining A three-month program known as the Purposeful Actor. The Purposeful Artist journey is a three-hour session for 12 weeks. "The participants in this class are more autonomous with regards to responsibility and the ability to prove themselves. They have a few rules that they must do each day, but they can't depend on me to do it; they have to find their own reasons this is the reason they're present." Jo shares.

Jo will be also hosting Q&A sessions during The Purposeful Actor Journey that will take place every week over three weeks. After that, when participants have completed the process for their Purpose you can opt to sign up for a year-long membership called BAMF Actors In Action, in reference to Bad-Ass Moms from F***king Actors In Action. "I made this membership in order that people who have completed both the routes would want to keep working on the way," she says.

The membership program has been operating for four years and the subscription includes a 1-hour content program every month and group events through weekly pods, daily Q&A sessions with Jo the host, as well as a 6 hour summit once every three months. "The membership lets people decide the best way to get out into the world, accomplish what they're supposed to accomplish, network with industry professionals, write the content they want to develop, and enhance their writing skills," she explains.

She has worked with artists of all kinds

As per Jo Jo, the vast majority of the clients who she sees on her work are actors. There are a variety of artists such as writers dancers, storytelling artists, as well as musicians. And there are regular folks who "want to increase their physical abilities," such as mothers and professional athletes such as pro-athletes as well as TV host and therapy professionals. "Freedom is an issue for all who want to be fully expressed," she says.

Since the journeys are offered in English and English, they draw people from all over the globe. "We are an eclectic group of people, from all continents, however we are mostly America, Europe, and Australia," she shares.

Most of her audience is between the ages of 20-50. She also has some people nearing the third decade of their lives as well, and it's not unusual to see her invite those who are in their 70s or even 80s, to her events.

Clients did all the talking

In relation to promoting her travels Jo claims that word of her travels is spread through the word of mouth.

The homepage on her site includes a video reel of her testimonial. This provides proof of social standing and a sense of credibility for the work she does. Plus, website visitors can subscribe to her newsletter via her website. To gather emails, she hosts two free workshops to attract leads to get the people to be interested. The Great Actor, you have a chance of Being a Top Actor. These trainings not only aid in gathering the information of her readers, but they also provide those who attend a session with an insight into her coaching style.

Also, she posts to her Instagram page--which has over 10,500 followers. She also gets press from external sources by interviews on various blogs, podcasts and magazines.

The client chose a cost that is affordable.

Jo is determined to make sure that her trips are affordable for all, as actors can be in a state of fluctuation with their earnings. "If you attended an acting studio once a week, the cost would be around $300 to $400. Most of the time, you just sit there and watch others perform the scene, but sometimes there's an opportunity to have the opportunity to perform a part" she says.

"These tours online are more affordable," continues Jo. "The benefits of our travels is 10 times greater than our prices for them ."

The Reset is priced lower than $1000 USD. The Purposeful Actor costs $1,250 USD. Membership is $270 USD a month.

She was in the zone of genius

While she's the company's chief executive officer To Be Or Not To Act, Jo is firm in her desire to spend all of her the time she requires in her field of expertise, which is producing content and facilitating. Jo doesn't think she's tech-savvy choosing to be "in and out of the loop" performing the tasks she is skilled at. "The remaining work that runs a company isn't what I do best because this isn't my field of expertise," she says.

Jo says her accomplishments are the result of the fact that she hired a coach in the early stages. Since she was looking to create lasting journeys Jo took the risk and signed up for a class worth $20k, in order to master the art of creating it. "It was a huge sum of money, which forced me to secure one loan that was half the money. But I'm glad I could have made it work," she shares.

She believes that it's possible for anyone to create an online course that's successful. She advises, however, that it's not an easy task.

"It requires dedication and determination. You have to possess a love for what you're doing. This is what I've done when I changed careers when I was in my early 20s and it's what I'm going to accomplish. My passion for it is the reason that, when I'm facing a new challenge I will take on it ."

She created from the heart

She suggests online creators remain realistic about the hard work that's required to build a profitable online enterprise. She also suggests they only take on the subject if what they're teaching is one that's near to their heart.

"The problem is now that the moment you join social media, everybody is an expert and everybody claims that you can earn millions of dollars within a couple of hours, which isn't actually an accurate statement," says Jo. "It is the truth that if you have an item that's important to you, it's feasible to connect with the most affluent audience, which is more than those living in your area. It takes effort, along with falling before getting up. You need to be coached, and working hard and cash until the structure is built ."

Like Jo If you build your company with passion, it gives you the stamina to get through tough times.

"An online business shouldn't only provide a job opportunity for earning cash. It must be designed with your own heart and in line with what you're designed to accomplish. Otherwise you will drop the ball because it will feel too heavy." she says.

"If you're truly serious and you're determined, you'll have the confidence to take on the challenges. If you're trying to make a quick buck but you're not equipped to handle them. My advice is to apply your passions towards your core. You must be able to perform in your field because you're facing an intense level of competitors. You have to be able to be confident in the work you're doing. ."

She was true to her work

In response to a question about the course online patterns we might see by 2024, Jo said Jo believes that there will continue an overuse of the programs online. Jo says the primary differentiator between the "McDonald's" courses as well as the "gourmet" courses is courses that have been designed in a way that is honest.

"When there's a surplus of stuff, there'll be two sorts of jobs online. There will be McDonald's type courses, and then there'll be reliable and gourmet classes. Everyone is going to have an agenda to accomplish something or the other to live your life. This won't be from an honest place. There will also be people who have been going through this process for years," she says.

For creating an unforgettable culinary experience, the most effective way to achieve it is by returning to your own heart.

"There is a huge potential for anyone who is grounded within their soul and wants to give back," she continues. "The individuals who need the assistance you provide will find them. ."

"I'm happy about this, which gives us the ability to be people with things that are important for us. It's incredible."

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