10 suggestions for engagement in the community to

Sep 30, 2022

If you've run any community groups in person or off, you've learned something. Making it easy for people to join a community is awesome. Making them feel engaged and enthusiastic about the event is more efficient.

Sometimes, that's a challenge. It can be difficult to convince that people to get involved in the scene and get involved. Some people are willing to hold off for long periods. If you're unable to keep participants to be involved It's possible that they'll end up remaining a part of the whole group.

That's enough for the frightening aspects. It's great to know it's not very difficult to get individuals engaged in the local community.

With the proper tools and strategies you can get the members' engagement up every day of the week.

What's the most fun? Engaging members can act like an Iceberg. When more of your members participate and become involved, your more active members can help others become more engaged. The efforts you make to get your members involved can have an effect on the long run that can't be imagined.

If you're trying to get started, these will help. The most effective ways of engaging with your community that to try this week!

If you're looking for more help for building your online community Join OUR Mighty Community for free along with meeting fellow new and experienced community leaders! We'd love to meet you. Join for free cost!

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     1. Personalize the user experience

     2. Go live... a lot!

     3. Emails are updated regularly.

     4. Take a turn playing with Incorporate

     5. Discover your ideal client with a Purpose

     6. Moderate that one thing

     7. Create rituals

     8. Ask questions

     9. Go on quests

     10. Unscripted

     11. Empower your best people

     Are you prepared to get started?

1. Facilitate new members to tailor their experience as a user

We'll talk about the most vital aspect of a member's journey beginning with their first minutes, hours, or even days in a community.

This is the most terrifying element for the family new member. The experience is similar to being the first student at school. The whole class knows each one another and is aware of the current situation however it's difficult to get involved.

Therefore, you must provide the most welcoming experience possible for new members. Be sure that each person in your community is aware of how to get started. It is important to engage them into discussions and ensure that they feel comfortable enough to show them where the opportunities are , and what they can do and remind your community that you're here to help the people in your community.

Within an online community, this can be accomplished through building an amazing digital experience for members who are new.

As an example for the Mighty Network, we created the list of requirements for new members which you are able to customize and make your personal. Everyone who joins the network will see this, and the checklist walks them through steps like setting up their member profile and introducing themselves to the group, asking the first question or RSVPing to their first live event.

The way you design the experience is entirely up to you. One thing you can be sure of is that an incredible user experience that newly joined members will not let them wander off. The new members will jump right in and begin playing.

Magical new member experience

We are offering a complimentary training on building a magical new user experience for the Mighty Community! *

2. Go live... a lot!

We love live streaming. No matter what the occasion, whether it's planned or an unexpected surprise , live streaming is a part of a an online community that is real.

Live streaming might be accompanied by the occasional "um" or "um", however, don't be hung about the. With all the perfectly created social media channels , some humanity is welcomed.


To increase your members' participation Try posting on a frequent regularly. There is the possibility to talk about what you're learning, talk with members of your group as well as an outsider or have an answer-and-question time or an A-Meeting.

Also, before you ask whether those butterflies you feel at the start of live streaming is completely normal. It's nerve-wracking live stream if you've never done this before. If you remove the bandage, you'll be amazed by what happens next. Engagement will increase.

And by the way the presentation abilities of your students will develop as time passes. Also, the butterflies will be gone. Do it!

     Start your free Trial No credit card is necessary.

3. Changes to emails

Now that you've thought about your plan of connecting with your community, take a into consideration the purpose of email.

One of the benefits that an excellent community platform and especially one that has a beautiful, built-in application, is that users aren't constantly bombarded by emails about everything. The members should get updates from the community platform (and the best platforms will allow them to personalize the notifications). ).

This gives you the option to make a smart decision about your use of emails. There is no need for the members to be notified every day. Send them updates or let them be aware of certain events. If they have not been from your platform for some time, this could be a good strategy for bringing people back.

When life becomes chaotic, which is what happens every week, an update of events happening that are happening in your area can keep people connected and help them get ready to get back into the action.

4. Play with Include

Communities should be enjoyable. There are times when we feel the desire to appear serious, especially when members are charged for their membership. You may find that you are feeling the stress of providing an service that is... "professional. "

There's a time and location to do it. This isn't to say that it's inappropriate to act professional.

But, being "professional" doesn't mean being required to be serious about everything constantly. A good community needs to include a fun element. If you're able to bring your group members to have fun together by sharing their vulnerability in playing, and being playful and having a blast, you'll end up making a wonderful experience for the members of your group.

You might want to consider incorporating exciting activities. An online game show. Karaoke. The things that separate your community out of the norm and enhance engagement through entertainment. If you're in search of ideas for an event that are entertaining and enjoyable, then you'll get a full list of suggestions here.

5. Find the perfect member, and then the big Goal

It is recommended to do this at the beginning of planning your community. It's called the process of Community Design(tm). Even if you didn't do this step at the time of planning you're not for you to begin these tasks now.

Every community needs two things. To begin, there must be an ideal member. It is essential to understand who your community is for. Be as precise as you can about your members Learn about the traits of each, the hopes and dreams, and what they are passionate about.

If you are able to identify a certain ideal member it will assist in the involvement of your community. Since instead of throwing objects on the ground to see which sticks, you could simply focus on helping other people.
    The ideal member for solving their issue confronted with. Ideal Member can be a method to get members involved and to get them involved.

Another part of it is to create the concept we call"the Big Purpose. Your big purpose is to establish what you're doing in your community and how you could assist with their efforts. It's how you do it.

Big Purpose- New Image

Also, as a matter of fact We offer absolutely free training on how you can identify your most desirable members and also the motivation for your membership in our massive community.

     Get Started with a Free Trial There is no credit card needed.

6. Moderate One thing

Engaging your local community positively isn't just about what's in the community. One of the most crucial aspects is knowing what things your community shouldn't possess.

That's that a thought-out moderating approach to community comes in.

The members should be comfortable within the community. They need to know they will not be harassed or abused. They must be confident that they will not be exposed to material that is racist, sexist, homophobic, or any other kind of discrimination.

To create an environment where people feel safe, you need develop the proper moderating strategies. Inform your members of what rules they are expected to follow, and make sure to check them regularly. Don't be afraid to use the tools for moderation in your community platform to filter or block inappropriate content. Consider selecting members who are active and loyal members who can assist to moderate content.

Moderation isn't very exciting from the beginning. Nobody gets their thrills from having a pen and paper to write out the guidelines.

Trust us when we say that the mental security your members have is well worthy of the risks. When people feel secure and safe, they're much more likely to participate.

7. Create rituals

Imagine stepping all the way back to the times of humankind which existed for hundreds of years far back. When our predecessors were gathering around fires in camp. What was it that brought them together?

One of the main reasons for community bonds was the effectiveness of rituals. Rituals were used to signal belonging in the group. They were utilized for significant transitions in life, for instance the ceremonies that were used to mark the transition from being a child and being an adult. Additionally, they were used for marking the passage of times. This included months, weeks and even years.

The community you live in can reap the benefits of the importance of rituals as well. While you're going through the activities of your community take note of the instances that are worthy of having rituals performed. Perhaps has been tried by new members that you would like to keep doing to everyone similar to the experiences for new members that we discussed above. Perhaps once or twice a year, you hold a particular type of community-based event that people look at looking at looking forward to. It could be the group's monthly Happy Hour.


In creating these events by creating the events and in creating unique rituals, you're creating them. This is something that humans have practiced since time immemorial and has made rituals an effective way to engage the community.

     Start Free Trial Credit card not needed.

8. Ask questions

As we've looked at communities, we've found one thing again and again that creates the feeling of engagement. It's not a secret.

The main point is...questions!

People can be drawn in by questions. The questions ask for something from them. Questions get them to pull off their own experiences as well as their expertise. This is something everybody is thrilled about. In short, questions might be the key to the involvement of your participants.

Actually we're fascinated by questions to such an extent that, a few years ago, we came up with this incredible guide to 1,000 questions for discussion that will spark discussions with your team. You can download it right here for free.

1000 questions guide

9. Go on quests

Another thing we've put into our game is something we're thrilled about. Quests. Like the knights of yesteryear the quests will lead your group on a journey. We provide a comprehensive and free training to create quests to Our Mighty Community too!

10. Unscripted

This is a second way to tap to the amazing potential of engaging with communities. Are you using the correct devices?


For community leaders, it could be tempting to keep a tight rein on everything. The temptation is to clean every surface. In order to make everything look perfect. If you ask any person who's been any time in a group and they'll tell you that the most memorable occasions are usually the ones which nobody anticipates. They're the ones that aren't scripted.

The live stream in which guests aren't permitted to participate and the discussion which follows has more force than what the event might have been. It might be the moment when a member of the community breaks in tears, while other members jump in celebration and support for the person.

There's no way you can plan to include unscripted events. That would go against the purpose.

But, allow room and time for you to spend with each other with a variety of ways that do not appear to be scripted in the least. Be prepared for the moment to see the magic happen.

11. Empower your best people

The word "community" suggests, isn't something that should be accomplished on your own. The leadership of a group should not be performed on its own as well.

One of the keys to the success of a community engagement approach is to get people involved and not make it an event that is only for people. Sometimes, it's essential to hire an administrator to the community. However, often it is just that members are given all the equipment they require to function.

It is possible to do this through something like an Ambassador Program which offers members rewards when they invite new members. You can also promote your best members to co-Hosts or moderators. These can be paid or unpaid positions You may be surprised by the fact that people that are committed to your community are thrilled to have the chance to assume an active role within the community , and grow.

Are you ready to begin?

The tips we have provided should make you excited about adding an exciting new dimension to your neighborhood. Be aware that even having hundreds of members won't be of much use when they're not engaged. Implementing these tips will help in the recruitment of new members as well as retain them. There are many instances when members may join communities for classes however people are able to be in the community for long periods in time due to the relationships that they make within them.


If you're searching for an amazing platform for creating your community, you should give this a try ! It's a comprehensive community engine that combines forums, messaging, subgroups, live streaming, courses along with integrated events and many more. The ability to charge membership fees, sell courses and subgroup access, or bundle the entire set. And it comes with an app that will be adored by customers.

Don't take our word for it; you are able to test the product for absolutely free for fourteen days!

Are you prepared to start building your community?

     Begin Your Free Trial There is no credit card required.

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