10 statistics on video marketing to know as a creator [Infographic]

Jul 4, 2024

Before you decide to create video content, get this infographic of the 10 most popular videos-related marketing facts you need to understand for your smaller company.

You're working on creating an original video to promote your company and you're quick to review your script.

Yup, it still sounds great.

When you bend toward the record button, your finger stops in the air in midair.

You suddenly realize that you are facing imposter's syndrome when an array of issues occupy your mind:

Do I need to rewrite the intro?

Do I need to wait until I've got additional content to write before recording this one?

What do you think of the design for the backdrop?

How do I look?

When you start your struggle to stop procrastination, you need to know a reason why you considered video marketing at all in the first place.

At least, there are 10 reasons to consider it, in any case. In order to help you determine whether you want to commit to producing videos Here are ten video marketing stats you must know as a creator -- in visual and textual format.

Let's get started with the graphic. If you're curious to learn more, dive down to the bottom of this page to learn details about what these stats mean.

Informationgraphic on the most important video marketing statistics

#1. Social media marketing via video can help increase ROI

Video marketing statistic: 91% of marketers are happy with the return on investment from video that are shared on social networks. ( Animoto )

What's more, 93% of marketers claim to have landed customers via the video they shared on social media.

Therefore, it's worth the effort to mix your videos into your social media posts because it certainly will attract the next customer.

Even if your visitor converts to your other social channels, for instance via your site -- through the publishing of videos on social networks, you still have a chance to make a good impression with your brand.

It doesn't matter whether or not you publish videos on your social channels or not, if you're engaged in any kind of marketing videos are a must. Check out the following statistics.

#2. Video is an essential component of strategies for marketing

Statistics for video marketing: In 2020, 92% of marketers say that video is an important part of their marketing strategy, which has grown from 78% in 2015. ( Wyzowl )

It's a huge leap within just five years.

In addition there is a staggering 85% of businesses make use of videos as marketing tools.

The statistics are enough to speak for the statistics. These days, if you're not using video marketing, you're missing a significant opportunity for your business.

What is the outlook for the future? The importance of video will only increase.

#3. Marketing via video will not go away.

Video marketing stat: 99% of marketers who currently use videos will continue to use them by 2020. Moreover, 95% of them anticipate growing or keeping their current spend on video marketing. ( Wyzowl )

Marketing professionals have had enough success using the use of video to date that they're now willing to take the plunge to it and continue investing in it.

This is a big majority of the marketers who make use of video are ready to include it in the future in their plans. Given the numbers that are available you should give the idea a go if haven't already. And if you've already tackled an episode or two, it's time to consider increasing your work.

For understanding the reason video marketing is adopted by so many, read on.

#4. The power of video marketing is an effective method to draw interest

Video marketing statistics: 85% of marketers believe that video is an effective means of attracting interest to their websites and businesses. ( Animoto )

Which makes sense because when it comes to getting interest, in general, video takes the cake.

In fact, over 500 hours of video can be uploaded on YouTube every minute. And these droves of uploaded videos are being enjoyed by more than two billion people through YouTube.

Video is not just being a major media format used for online content as well, it's also a most popular format for long-form videos. Head over to the next stat for more.

#5. Your audience spends more time watching videos

Marketing statistics for video: People are expected to spend 100 minutes (that's 1.6 hours!) every day watching online videos by 2021. This will increase by 19% as compared to 84 minutes of daily watching that was logged in the year 2019. ( Marketing Charts )

From a weekly perspective from a weekly perspective, the public spent an average of six hours and 48 minutes viewing online video content during the year 2019- an astounding 59% growth from only three years prior in 2016.

All this to say, online video is now a way of life. The number of people watching them is at an increasing rate and are acclimated to daily consumption.

The moral here is to adapt to the established behavior of video streaming and connect with your customers in their natural environment with your brand's messages.

That's all the benefits of adopting the use of video marketing. Now for some stats regarding the logistics of video marketing.

#6. Video-watchers watch their videos with no sound

Video marketing stat: 92% of users watch video without phone's sound off, and 83% watch with the sound off. ( Broadcasting Cable )

In the wake of an increased number of online video watch hours each year, it's only natural that the majority of this is performed on the go and in locations where it is necessary to remain discreet.

If you are looking to engage the attention of your viewers through your promotional videos, do so with captioned text and closed captioning.

One of the main points here is to get the message of your video across with no reliance on the sound. The chances are that your viewers will view the entire video this is why we have our second stat.

#7. People will watch longer videos

Statistics on video marketing: 52% of viewers will watch a video throughout regardless of its length. ( Vidyard )

A recent study found an increase of 60% of the video advertisements are 30-second long , which represents an increase over the 55 percent of ads in the year prior.

Translation: longer video ads are effective.

So, don't be afraid to produce video content longer in length. If you're making a video ad, aim for at least 30 minutes.

Regardless of length, though it is just like the other media your company produces be sure to provide the audience with value first. If you do then, they will be drawn to your content, as our next stat explains.

#8. People prefer watching video clips from companies

Video marketing statistic: 54% of people want to see more video from companies and brands they trust. ( HubSpot )

Particularly, 48% of customers would like the videos to showcase specific services and products that they either own or are considering purchasing. And 43% of them are looking for interactivity and the ability to decide which information they would like to see and at what time they'd like to watch it.

In the end:

When making videos, make sure you create content that is tailored to your audience's specific needs and desires. The more customized and relevant your videos are, the better.

If you are able to tailor your content with an clear manner, then you're in the clear. See our next statistic.

#9. Marketing via video is a great strategy to communicate your offer

Video marketing statistic: 96% of individuals say they've seen an explainer video to learn more about a particular product or service. ( Wyzowl )

Marketers have a clue to this stat, too.

That's why the most frequently created kinds of video include explanation videos (72 percentage) , followed by videos for presentations (49%) as well as testimonial videos (48%) and sales videos (42 percentage) videos for advertising (42 percentage).

90% of marketers affirm that using video can to increase the knowledge of viewers about their products or services.

This, in simple terms is that explainer videos are effective in their work. They offer information on a brand's offers to its audience.

If you're dealing with more complicated product or service, consider creating an explanation video. If it's easy and straightforward, you can try creating one, too.

Why? If you want to convert your viewers, a good explanation video will work wonders.

In the end, videos for marketing can be a proven method to influence your audience's buying behaviour -- which is the subject of our conclusion we're providing this day.

#10. Marketing via video influences the buying behavior of buyers

Video marketing stat: After watching a brand's video 84% of consumers are enticed to buy a product or product or. ( Wyzowl )

If the video of your company can be presented in a video ad, that is also effective. Video ads are the primary method customers discover brands which they then purchase from.

What's more, when it comes to videos on social media channels, YouTube is now the leading platform which affects the behavior of consumers, replacing Facebook.

According to a recent study, 19% of YouTube users say the platform aids them in making a decision on when to buy a product.

The bottom line is that video marketing can influence your customer's buying habits and can be an effective way of encouraging customers to purchase your products.

Today is a great day for you to be in front of a camera

With these video marketing stats in your mind, it's time to address your first urge toward creating videos.

Once you get past the fear of being awkward that everybody feels when they create something unique, you'll feel proud that you did it.

Today for your business to expand in the manner you would like to, video marketing is an absolute requirement.

Meanwhile, have fun filming!